P. 60

Echols  Oil  Company  began  in  1955  as  Raymond  Echols  Fuel  Oil
        Service.  The  company  grew  with  the  town  and  was  incorporated  in  1967
        as  Echols  Oil  Co.,  Inc.  The  company  now  operates  two  delivery  trucks  and
        employs  Raymond  Echols,  Paul  Echols  and  Tice  Shields  to  help  fill  the
        community's  need  for  heating oil.                                              46th  Birthday  anniversary  of  Exchange  Club.  Second  from  left,  Joe
                                                                                     L.  Phillips,  local  president.  Extreme  right:  Joe  G.  Smith,  local  treasurer.
                                                                                     Cake  was  baked by Mrs.  Joe  G.  Smith.  Picture  1957.

                                                                                           The  Exchange  Club,  one  of  the  oldest  national
                                                                                      service  clubs  in  the  United  States,  officially  acquired  its
                                                                                      name in 1911.  The club was formed  by Charles  A.  Berk-
                                                                                      ley and twelve of his friends and business associates who
                                                                                      had  been  meeting  informally  for  lunch  since  1897  to
                                                                                      exchange  ideas.
                                                                                           The local club was sponsored by the Exchange Club
                                                                                      of Greensboro.  The  organizational meeting was  held  on
                                                                                      Sept.  5,  1944  at  Main  Street  Methodist  Church.  Mr.
                                                                                      Conrad  W.  Morris,  well  known  contractor  and  citizen
                                                                                      of  Kernersville,  was  elected  President  for  an  initial  pe-
                                                                                      riod of six  months.  Other  officers  were James T.  Justice,
                                                                                      Fred  P.  Carter,  and  the  Reverend  Clyde  W.  Glosson.
            Mr.  E.  E.  Grubbs,  Sr.  was  awarded  Kernersville's  Ford  Dealership  in   On  Tuesday  evening,  Sept.  19,  1944,  the  charter
        1954  and  established  Grubbs  Ford,  Inc.  It  was  incorporated  with  Ephraim
        and  Edna  Grubbs  as  officers  and  with  nine  employees.  In  1966  the   meeting  was  held  in  the  local  high  school  cafeteria.
        dealership  moved  from  Mountain  Street  to  new  facilities  on  Interstate  40
        at  Highway  66.  Grubbs  Ford  now  has  thirty  employees  including  the  Grubbs'   About one  hundred  people  attended  the  dinner  as  local
        sons,  "Butch"  and George  Grubbs.
                                                                                      friends  and  members  of  Exchange  Clubs  of  Greensboro,
                                                                                      Elkin,  Winston-Salem,  High  Point,  Reidsville,  and  Burl-
                                                                                      ington  joined  the  charter  members  for  the  presentation
                                                                                      of  their  Charter  and  installation  of  officers.
                                                                                           As  the  club  began  its  twenty-sixth  year  in  Kerners-
                                                                                      ville,  three  charter  members  were  still  active  in  its  af-
                                                                                     fairs:  Messrs.  L.  B.  Ballard,  Joe  L.  Phillips,  and  Grady
                                                                                     P.  Swisher.  Two  of  the  present  members  of  the  club,
                                             Odell  Crews  American.  is  located     Messrs.  George W. Berry and Joe L. Phillips, have served
                                           at  137  West  Mountain  Street.  Odell
                                           has  been  associated  with  the  service   the  North Carolina  District Exchange  Club as  Directors.
                                           station  business  since  1940.  He  pur-
                                           chased  the  present  business  in  1965.       The  local  club  has  been  active  in  their  programs
                                                                                     of  Traffic  Safety,  Crime  Prevention,  and  Americanism.
                                                                                     Projects  sponsored  by  the  club  include  a  little  league
                                                                                     baseball  team,  Sunshine  Specials  for  underprivileged
                                                                                      children  and  senior  citizens,  participation  in  the  annual
                                                                                     4th  of  July  Celebration  and  furnishing  crutches  and
                                                                                     wheel  chairs  to  afflicted  persons.

            Hugh  Z.  I ngram,  Inc.,  furniture  store  (formerly  Parrish  &  Ingram)
        was  organized  by  Hugh  Z.  Ingram,  Noble  L.  Parrish  and  Stella  D.  Ingram
        in  April  1946  and  located  on  Oak  Ridge  Road.  They  opened  a  branch
        store  on  Main  Street  in  1951.  In  1957  the  business  was  bought  by  Hugh
        Z.  Ingram  and  Nancy  I.  Idol  and  was  moved  to  its  present  location  on  the
        Greensboro  Road.

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