Page 3 - VT Vibe Newsletter Dec 2019 FINAL
P. 3


       From Kyle

       Welcome to the winter edition of our   We also continue to strengthen our tools,
       employee magazine.  As 2019 draws to   technology and processes to support our
       a close, this is a perfect time to reflect   business performance. Earlier this year
       on what we accomplished as a team    we launched the first and only full range
       throughout the year. Despite ongoing   of online contracting options for farmers
       challenges in our global marketing   in Western Canada on myViterra.  We’ve
       environment, we have many success to   been steadily investing in our technology
       celebrate and positive momentum to   for over ten years and, given the rapidly
       build on for 2020.                   increasing focus on innovation in our
                                            industry, will continue doing so in order
       Operationally, we continued to make   to ensure we keep pace with our evolving
       good strides to ensure that our asset   industry.                          our customers. I would like to take this
       network is aligned with our business                                       opportunity to thank you for going the
       environment and that we’re well      We’ve also been executing on automation  extra mile to provide them with quality
       positioned to provide our customers with  projects at several of our facilities to   customer service whether it’s through
       the top-notch service they deserve.  We   improve operational efficiencies and   drying, blending, movement or other
       closed our outstanding 50 per cent stake   support fluid movement throughout our   opportunities where we’ve been able to
       at our facility in Northgate, ND, acquired   value chain.  Read on to find out more   add value.  As we look ahead to 2020, it
       a high quality processing facility at Belle   about these innovative projects that will   will continue to be our people working
       Plaine, SK and officially opened our new   support our future success.     hard for our customers that will make us
       high throughput facility at Vegreville, AB.                                successful regardless of global market
       Further, we made significant upgrades to                                   conditions or other events outside of our
       existing facilities at Binscarth, Balgonie,   In our community investment section,   control.
       and Gull Lake to be well prepared    you’ll also find many examples of our
       from a transportation perspective in   giving spirit, which is on display not
       accommodating larger unit trains.    only during the holiday season but    Finally and most importantly, please
                                            throughout the year. I would like to thank  remember to keep yourselves and each
                                            those of you that take the time to give   other safe.
       As we look ahead to 2020,            back, whether it’s through corporate
       it will continue to be our           initiatives, or personal causes that you   I wish you and your families a happy
                                            are passionate about.  We are making
       people working hard for our          a positive impact in our communities   holiday season and a wonderful New
       customers that will make us          and that’s a direct result of your ongoing   Year.
       successful regardless of global      generosity.
       market conditions or other
       events outside of our control.       Finally, it’s no secret that this year’s   Thanks,
                                            harvest has been a challenge for many of   Kyle

                                At Viterra, people are our greatest strength.

               Please visit our Careers page regularly for exciting new opportunities across our company.
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