Page 4 - VT Vibe Newsletter Dec 2019 FINAL
P. 4

New Driveway Delivery System at Balgonie Highlights Focus on Innovation

       A new automation system at Balgonie is   how long it takes for them to make deliveries,   safer environment.”
       transforming the way farmers deliver grain   while enabling our operations team to focus
       to that facility. This system is designed so   on grading and monitoring the control   Our Balgonie location has undergone several
       that our team can operate the facility more   system as it elevates product into the facility,”   other enhancements recently including:
       effectively, and improve the delivery process   says Tommy Kress, Manager, Automation   •   a new loop track for continuous loading
       for our customers.  This means better delivery   Development. “We’ve also further integrated   •   high speed conveyors to reduce time on
       planning, shorter waits and faster unload   this process with Viterra’s business systems   scale for customers/carriers
       times.                               to eliminate multiple data entry points and   •   large capacity shipping legs
                                            reduce data collection errors”        •   large capacity modern bulk weigher with
       When a customer or carrier arrives at Balgonie                                state of the art filtering
       at their scheduled delivery time, they now   This system not only makes the delivery   •   updated roadway access
       drive up to a probe kiosk where they enter   process more efficient, but safer as well.  •   expanded storage capacity
       all of the pertinent information related                                   •   upgrades to the facility exterior and a
       to their booking, including the type and   “Our goal through this project is to reduce the   new office design.
       quantity of grain they’re delivering.  When   amount of time customers are on our scales.
       their information is confirmed, their load is   Our new kiosks allow producers to stay in   All of these enhancements are designed to
       then probed.  Once complete, customers are   the unloading lane during the entire delivery   improve our customers’ experience at the
       directed to the driveway scale and another   process and, compared to similar facilities,   facility and support our focus on superior
       kiosk that displays their delivery information.    we’ve seen ‘time on scale’ at Balgonie   service.
       They capture their gross weight, empty their   decrease by 20-30%,” says Derrick Galan,
       truck, get their tare weight, collect their receipt   Assistant Manager at Balgonie. “For producers
       and exit the driveway.               and carriers, not having to cross driveways to
                                            get to the grading office and staying close to
       “By providing self-service kiosks for customers   their own vehicles and the kiosks decreases
       on the driveway, we can significantly reduce   overall movement in the driveway, creating a
       Pacific Terminal Transformation Continues

       Over the last few years, we’ve made significant  engineers to secure the right permits and   •   Specialized abatement techniques such
       upgrades to our Pacific port terminal to   approvals through the Vancouver Fraser Port   as containment and misting to minimize
       enhance our strategic position on the west   Authority and WorkSafe BC.  As part of this   dust.
       coast and create one of the most efficient   process, Viterra developed a comprehensive   In fact, the traditional images we associate
       port facilities in Canada. This has included the   Construction Environmental Management Plan   with a demolition – a wrecking ball, lots of
       installation of a new low emission ship loader,  (CEMP).                   noise and huge clouds of dust – don’t apply
       a new air emission system, new low emission                                in this case. The facility is being taken down
       truck loaders, and upgrades to automation                                  gradually in pieces to ensure that it creates
       systems to reduce energy usage.      The plan incorporated a hazardous materials   as little a disturbance as possible for local
                                            assessment report, summarizing the
                                            collection and analysis of over 500 samples,   residents.  And throughout the process,
       Part of this significant series of investments   and identifying potential areas of risk to the   we’ve been proactively reaching out to our
       includes the demolition of our PAC 3 elevator.   environment, and established strategies for   neighbours through mail-outs, open houses
       At over 100 years old, the facility hasn’t   mitigating those risks, including:  and a dedicated page on our external website
       been utilized over the last several years and                              to ensure they’re well informed about our
       retrofitting it would be too costly.  Although                             approach.
       the demo work began a few months ago, it’s   •   A daily evaluation of planned tasks prior
       taken a few years of careful planning to ensure   to starting demolition activities. In cases   Our top of mind focus on safety throughout
       that the project is managed properly and that   where weather presents a risk to safety,   this project has resulted in positive feedback
       there would be a minimal disturbance for area   tasks are rescheduled or appropriate   from our industry partners and port
       residents.                               plans created to mitigate risks.  associations.
                                            •   Continuous air quality monitoring
       Since 2015, Viterra has worked closely   through a third party consultant to ensure  The expected date of completion for the
       with specialist contractors and consulting   that particulate levels are well within   project is May 2020.
                                                acceptable limits.

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