Page 7 - VT Vibe Newsletter Dec 2019 FINAL
P. 7

Focus on Employee Programs - Employee Assistance Program

       Given this year’s challenging harvest    services, and will also assist you in   Please note that we also have dedicated
       season, and the stress that accompanies   finding financial support you may   resources for managers and supervisors
       the holiday season for some, we would    be eligible for through federal or   to support them in their work.  The Key
       like to remind you that Viterra has a    provincial assistance.            Person Advice Line provides managers
       wide range of resources available for   •   Eldercare Resource Locator -   or supervisors the opportunity to
       employees that may need support for      Whether you are looking for home   contact a Homewood Health senior
       issues relating to mental health, career,   care, residential care, community   level clinician for prompt and timely
       life balance, and health management.     services or financial support for an   consultation, should a situation arise in
       The Resilience Employee Assistance       elderly loved one, this locator will   the workplace that could benefit from
       Program (EAP) provides employees         help you quickly and easily find the   professional input. Examples would
       and their eligible family members with   right service                     include responding to employee conflict
       confidential and professional services                                     or unusual behaviour, or strategies
       that offer short-term counseling and   •   e-Courses - Learn skills online at your   for supporting those that may need
       coaching information.  There are a       own pace.  These e-Courses offer   assistance through our Employee
       number of Resilience Resources available   self-paces, private, and personalized   Assistance Program.
       to you on topics such as:                learning designed to help you
                                                improve your personal health
                                                and well-being, and/or workplace   To access Resilience, call 1-866-644-0326
       •   Health Library - Online health and   effectiveness.                    or  TTY 1-888-384-1152. This toll-free line
           wellness articles offering information   •   Health-e Multimedia Centre -   is available 24-hours a day, seven days
           on a variety of topics including     Homewood Human Solutions          a week.  More information on Resilience
           Addictions, Aging, Caregiving,       Health-e Multimedia Centre provides   can be found in the Resilience brochure.
           Parenting, Financial Health, Healthy   video or audio learning experiences   Viterra pays the full cost of Resilience
           Living and Self-improvement,         in a number of health and wellness   coverage.
           Trauma and Workplace Issues.         areas.  Enjoy these Health-e Videos
       •   Childcare Information - Childcare    and Health-e Podcasts to improve
           resources and special needs          your personal health and well-being.


         Viterra recently sponsored the Grain Expo at Agribition.
         The expo is a two-day speaker conference and trade show
         aimed at grain producers.  Following harvest, the timing
         of the conference is ideal for producers looking for the
         latest information on the market trends and agronomic
         practices. Chad Molesky was part of this year’s speaker
         lineup, and provided an update on canola markets,
         followed by a Q&A with an engaged group of producers.

         Contact to share your
         story and we’ll include it in an upcoming edition.

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