Page 9 - VT Vibe Newsletter Dec 2019 FINAL
P. 9

MONTH OF GIVING                                                            VITERRA AND CANADA’S FARM SHOW
                                              Our annual United Way campaign
       In October we hosted our 5th annual    was a great success again this year.    Canada’s Farm Show is making some big
       Month of Giving campaign at the Regina   Thanks to the following locations   changes for its next show in June 2020. On
       office. The campaign raised funds to   for organizing events to support    December 9, Tim Reid, President and CEO
       support various organizations locally, and   fundraising efforts.          of REAL announced the changes, including
       across Canada.                                                             the change in title from Canada’s Farm
                                                  Regina $5,801.00                Progress Show to Canada’s Farm Show and
       Our annual food drive brought in 275lbs    Pacific $13,318                 introducing a new visual identity. Other
       of food, which was valued at over $685.    Cascadia $12,215                major changes to the event include:
       We matched this amount and donated a       Thunder Bay $5,000
       total of $1,375 to the local Regina Food   Winnipeg $500
       Bank.                                                                      •   Moving indoors – showcasing the
                                                                                     world class infrastructure of the Evraz
                                              Viterra matched these funds raised
       Throughout the month, we hosted 4      for a grand total of $68,168!  Great   Place campus
       Friday Jeans Days at Head Office, a    work to all involved!               •   New show dates – Tuesday, June 16 to
       Sprout Café Coffee Day, and a 50/50                                           Thursday, June 18
       raffle, which raised $2,290. These funds                                   •   New show hours - the first day of the
       were donated directly to the Canadian                                         show will run from 11:00AM to 7:00PM,
       Cancer Society Breast Cancer Awareness                                        allowing farmers to get work done on
       Campaign.                                                                     the farm before coming to the show!

       Viterra has supported the United Way                                       •   New ticketing – one ticket grants access
       through various initiatives over the                                          to all three days of the show
       years, and this year was no exception.                                     •   New launchpad – will be home to the
       Donations were available to be made                                           AgX Speaker Series and new product
       through e-pledge and payroll deductions,                                      launches
       which brought in $5,025, and Jeans Days                                    •   New entertainment - Alpha Bull Rodeo
       in August and September brought in                                            will make its inaugural appearance in
       $776— Viterra matched this amount and                                         2020
       overall, we donated more than $11,000 to
       the United Way Regina!                                                     REAL also recognized the Viterra as the
                                             Kyle Jeworski (below) and Jeff Cockwill   presenting sponsor over the last 10 years,
       Thanks to everyone who participated in   (above) represent Viterra at the Canada’s   as well as announcing our new 3-year
       this year’s campaign!                 Farm Show media event on December 9.  sponsorship agreement.

                                                                                  “Canada’s Farm Show is rising to the
                                                                                  challenge of making the necessary changes
                                                                                  to ensure it continues adding value as a
                                                                                  forum for meaningful dialogue, a showcase
                                                                                  for innovation, and a place where industry
                                                                                  players can connect and collaborate,” said
                                                                                  Kyle Jeworski at the event. “I would like to
                                                                                  thank Tim and his team for their dedication
                                                                                  in implementing a new direction for the
                                                                                  show and embracing the possibilities that
                                                                                  come with change.  At Viterra we’re pleased
                                                                                  to be continuing our partnership and
                                                                                  supporting this world class event.”


         We want to make this a quality newsletter that is engaging and informative. If you have comments to share on this issue or
         if you have a story idea for an upcoming edition, please reach out to us anytime at

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