Page 6 - VT Vibe Newsletter Dec 2019 FINAL
P. 6

Five Questions with Ray Baloun

                             What is your   and cash flow is what it’s all about. If they  there?  And, you’re likely going to share
                             role with Viterra  can do that with my help, they will be   that experience with your friends and
                             and how long   back again! We are in it for a long-term   relatives.
                             have you been   relationship, not just a one-time deal.
                             part of the                                          We have the good deals all the time
                             team?          What work accomplishment are          and if we don’t, we rectify it as quick as
                             My official    you most proud of?                    possible! Two things I love about Viterra
                             role at Viterra   I just love the fact that even though   are that we do what we say we will do
                             at Brandon     we deal in such a large area, I have   and we respect our producers.
                             is Customer    relationships with farm families that make
                             Account        me a part of their family and certainly a   What do you like to do in your spare
                             Representative.   part of their team and community. That   time?
       I see that role as being one of the main   includes taking part in the fun events in   It doesn’t ever seem like I get spare time
       contacts between the producers and the   the area including weddings and the sad   but the time I have goes to family with
       company but I really see the role as being   things like funerals.   Being “Uncle Ray”   one wonderful wife, 2 great daughters
       a partner with the producers in helping   to many always brings a smile to my face   and 2 fantastic granddaughters. They
       feed the world! No farmers… no food. I   and theirs.                       would tell you I also love curling,
       have been at this location since 2006.                                     watching CFL football and any kind of
                                                                                  hockey.  I also really enjoy helping the
                                            What do you like best about working
       What are some of your responsibilities?  at Viterra?                       Canadian Foodgrains Bank and local
       One of the main responsibilities I have   I love the teamwork aspect we have   community initiatives through our church
       is to be inside the producers mind as   at Viterra. People going above and   and other organizations.
       to what their needs are and what their   beyond expectations is such a rare
       wishes are…those aren’t always the   thing in companies today. We compare   Finally, I really enjoy speaking to youth
       same!                                the customer experience to going to   about agriculture.  It’s so satisfying to
                                            a restaurant. If you go to a restaurant   speak to them about all the great things
       Pricing and moving the grain at the right   and have a bad experience and or bad   happening in our industry, and counter
       time for the right bin space and margin   meal how quick will you be to return   some of the negative things we hear that
                                                                                  aren’t true.
       Peter Elder Service Award

       Peter Elder, Facility Operations Manager in Gull Lake, received his
       45 Years of Service award from Market Center Manager, Vic Wall, on
       November 1. Peter, thank you for your dedication over the years. Your
       hard work is greatly appreciated!
                                                    Peter Elder (right)
                                                   receives his service
                                                  award from Vic Wall.
        DID YOU KNOW?

        Technology and innovation already play a central role in Canadian agriculture. Recent trends — bigger farms, more educated
        agricultural workers — suggest automation will gain ground in the 2020s, and the impact on farm operators could be
        significant. Today:

        •   90% of crop producers across the Prairies use GPS to guide and track equipment.
        •   52% of the biggest oilseed and grain farms are using advanced GIS (Geographic Information System) technology.
        •   95% of farms with over $1 million in sales are using advanced technologies in farm management.
        •   81% of producers under the age 40 are using advanced technology in their businesses, versus 57% over the age of 60.

        Source: Royal Bank of Canada Report, ‘Farmer 4.0’

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