Page 8 - VT Vibe Newsletter Dec 2019 FINAL
P. 8

Community Investment Corner

       STARS CALENDAR CAMPAIGN WRAP-UP      Volunteer Fire & Ambulance service    •   Top selling facility for all contributions—
       Our 2019 STARS Calendar Campaign     made a $30,000 donation to the           Rosetown (over $31,000 in overall sales)
       officially closed on December 6. This is   STARS calendar campaign through our   •   Top selling MC for calendars, overall—
       the fifth year that Viterra has partnered   Rosetown facility!                Swift Current MC (over 225 calendars
       with STARS to be the print sponsor of the                                     sold as a team)
       calendar, and as usual, the campaign was   We’d also like to recognize our STARS   •   Top selling MC for all contributions—
       a great success. Overall, we raised more   calendar contest winners for their hard   Swift Current MC (almost $42,000 in
       than $80,000! All of these funds were   work promoting and selling STARS      sales as a team)
       donated directly to STARS and will help   calendars and merchandise at our
       keep STARS in the sky for years to come.   facilities. Congratulations to all of the   Thank you to everyone who participated
                                            winners of our contest:
                                                                                  in the 2019 STARS calendar campaign!
       We reached, and well surpassed our                                         Whether you promoted, sold, or bought,
       fundraising goal this year, thanks to a   •   Top selling facility for calendars—   your efforts are recognized and appreciated.
       very generous donation— the Elrose       Lloydminster (196 calendars sold)

       CFGB CAMPAIGN WRAP-UP EVENT          In Trochu, agronomist Mikaela Lemay   In addition to having provided the land
       The 2019 Canadian Foodgrains Bank    and a group of other young farmers in   for each of these growing projects, we
       (CFGB) campaign wrapped up on        the area led the growing project.  Our   also provide the Foodgrains Bank with
       November 5 with a media event in     support allows these individuals and   a donation of $5 for each tonne of crops
       Trochu, Alberta. This year’s campaign saw   groups to get involved in ending hunger;   donated to the organization through one
       a total of 254 acres of land around Viterra   “Our partnership with the Foodgrains   of our elevators.
       terminals in Trochu, Lethbridge, Stettler,   Bank provides Viterra and our farmers
       Raymore, and Grenfell made available   with a great opportunity to give back to   Thank you to everyone who has been
       to support the Canadian Foodgrains   those in need and raise awareness about a   involved in our 2019 CFGB campaign,
       Bank. Local farmers, along with their   very important issue,” said Kyle Jeworski.   your efforts are appreciated and we are
       communities, volunteered their time,   “Even during a difficult harvest such as this   excited to see where this partnership will
       equipment, and resources to farm the   one, the uptake has been great and really   take us next!
       land.                                exemplifies the giving spirit of our farmers.”

                                                         WEST REGION BLOOD DRIVE
                                                         The West Region has been conducting a blood drive for the last six
                                                         months, encouraging staff to donate to the blood clinics in their
                                                         area.  The uptake was great, with 26,100 ml of blood collected overall,
                                                         equating to 58 people taking time out of their busy schedules to give
                                                         back to someone in need.  A special thanks goes to our Swift Current
                                                         Market Centre, which donated
                                                         16,200 ml of blood.  A big
                                                         thanks to those who organized
                                                         this great initiative and to
                                                         everyone that donated!

                                                         Customer Account Rep. Jessica
                                                         Peters was one of several teams
                                                         members in the West Region
         Terence Koshman, Manager of Country Grain Marketing
            (far right) spoke at the event on behalf of Viterra.  that donated blood this year.

         FOLLOW US!

         We regularly feature community investments, corporate achievements and other accomplishments on our social channels.
         Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn and stay connected.

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