Page 27 - Lulu and Bob in Verbo City
P. 27

Bob,  too,  believed  the  deck  was  stacked  against  them.  But  they
        had youth on their side: just as an old person was more likely to lose
        balance and fall, surely their uncle would be the first to make a slip of
        the tongue. Or did experience count for something in surviving this
        ordeal? He turned over his first card.
           “Susan’s shocking shoes and stockings.” He tried not to look at
        the  picture.  It  bore  an  uncanny  resemblance  to  his  sister.  “Susan’s
        shocking  shoes  and  stockings.  Susan’s  shocking  shoes  and

           Lulu  was  still  masticating  on  the  unfairness  of  it  all  when  it
        became  her  turn.  She  wanted  to  complain,  to  appeal  to  Bunster’s
        vestigial sense of justice tempered with mercy. But she bit her tongue.
        That would cause her team instantly to lose, with no mulligan. This
        was psychological warfare, not simply verbal dexterity!
           “Hasty pastry tasters praised a pricy pasty.” That pictured pie sure
        looked  good;  it  had  been  a  long  time  since  lunch.  “Hasty  pastry
        tasters  praised  a  pricy  pasty.  Hasty  pastry  tasters  praised  a  pricy

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