Page 65 - Lulu and Bob in Verbo City
P. 65
Glossary: what you need to know in Verbo City
(VC) – used only in Verbo City
Affinity A natural attraction or likeness; an inherent
Alacritously (VC) With alacrity; speedily; eagerly.
Alliteration Beginning consecutive words with the same letter or
similar sounds.
Antivivisectionist A person against the injury of living animals for
Apiary A place where beehives and their inhabitants are
Avunculitis (VC) An inflammation of the avuncular capacities;
treatable only by giving it a rest.
Bathysiderodromophobia Fear of subways or underground railways.
Bluefacing (VC) Holding one's breath until one's face turns
Carapace A hard outer covering, such as the dorsal plates of a
tortoise or the exoskeleton of a crustacean.
Chiaroscuro The technique of using light and dark areas in a
painting or drawing.
Chronometer A clock of great precision.
Circumnavigational Related to traveling completely around something,
e.g., the earth.
Cognoscente A person with superior knowledge or taste; a
connoisseur. Plural: cognoscenti.
Cookiemorph (VC) The flattened representation in baked
sweetened dough of an animate or inanimate object.
Corpus callosum The thick bundle of nerves connecting the
hemispheres of the brain.
Crenellated Notched or indented, like a battlement.
Deckle 1. A frame used to make paper by hand. 2. The
rough edge of handmade paper.
Denouement Outcome or end result of a series of events, in fact
or literature; final resolution of a plot.
Diphthong A vocalization sliding from one vowel to another
within a syllable; i.e., oil.
Diplopia A visual disorder in which a single object appears
Diurnal Daily; occurring or active during the daylight hours,
as certain animals.
Electroencephelography Measurement and recording of electrical activity in
the brain for medical diagnosis.
Entomology The study of insects.