Page 66 - Lulu and Bob in Verbo City
P. 66
Esotropia A muscular disorder of the eye in which one or
both eyes deviate inward; cross-eyes.
Etymology The study of word origins and history.
Gimlet Noun: a hand-tool for boring holes. Adj.: Having a
piercing quality.
Glossolalia Speaking in tongues; gibberish produced by mental
illness or in trance states.
Glossosynthetic (VC) Artificially worded; related to making up
Glottal stop A sound made by closing the glottis, then opening it
Hapax legomenon A word found only once in the entire extant record
of a language.
Heterogeminate (VC) Noun: one of a pair of twins of the opposite
sex. Adj.: Of or like such a twin.
Hieroglyphics A system of writing using pictorial symbols for
words; any writing difficult to read or decipher.
Hirsute Hairy.
Homonym A word sounding like another, but of different
Honorificabilitudinity Honorableness.
Immunoelectrophoresis Isolation of proteins based on differences in
electrical charge and reactivity with antibodies.
Ineluctable Unavoidable; inevitable.
Inferiopendofructus (VC) Low-hanging fruit, the easiest to pick. A hapax
legomenon (viz.).
Intaglio An image or text carved or pressed into the surface
of an object; the process of doing it.
Lagniappe A small gift given to a customer at the time of
Linguarium 1. An academic treatise on language. 2. (VC) An
enclosure for exotic words.
Linguatortuous (VC) Tongue-twisting.
Logoectomy (VC) Removal of one or more words, usually from
an inappropriate context.
Logogriph A word puzzle in which clues are given in a set of
Logorrhea Excessive use of words; running off at the mouth.
Logorrheic paronomasia (VC) Uncontrollable and incessant punning, a
medical condition.
Lollapalooza Something outstanding or extreme in effect (slang).
Mentate (VC) Think; produce thought.
Metaphrastic Translated literally or linguistically manipulated to
alter meaning.
Microfaunal (VC) Of or related to microfauna (Microfauna: (VC)
small animals.).
Micropachycephalosaurus A small dinosaur with a domed head and straight
tail; its habitat was China.