Page 67 - Lulu and Bob in Verbo City
P. 67
Miscreance (VC) The deeds of a miscreant; mischief or villainy.
Mondegreenery (VC) Creation of mondegreens (absurd mishearings
of phrases).
Mulligan A second turn granted a player by the others
following a bad performance; from golf.
Multipede An animal with many feet; (VC) A word with many
Nasopharyngeal Of or by the section of the pharynx connected with
the nasal passages.
Nonplus Verb: put at a loss to know what to do or say;
bewilder. Noun: a state of bewilderment.
Obscurantist (VC) One who conceals meaning through
obfuscatory erudition.
Obvert To turn another aspect of an object to view.
Octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane A silicone polymer used as surfactant in various
Omphaloskeptically In the manner of contemplating one's navel as an
aid to meditation.
Ophthalmic Of or relating to the eye.
Otorhinolaryngological Related to the branch of medicine dealing with ear,
nose and throat disorders.
Oxymoron Combination of contradictory or incongruous terms
in one phrase; i.e., military intelligence.
Pachydermatous Of or related to elephants; thick-skinned.
Palimpsest A manuscript written on more than once, with the
earlier writing discernible.
Palindrome A series of words reading the same backwards and
forwards; e.g., Madam, I'm Adam.
Pantomime Silent communication or narration through gesture,
bodily movement and facial expression.
Parallelepiped A solid of six opposing parallel parallelograms; a
right-angled box.
Paronomasia Word play; punning. (VC) Inappropriate or
pathological punning.
Phonogram A character or symbol representing part or all of a
word as spoken.
Phonopictogram (VC) As used in rebuses, a pictogram or
Photoreconnaissance Photographic aerial surveillance, especially of a
military target.
Physiognomical Related to the features of an entity, especially their
Pictogram A hieroglyph (viz.).
Plastron 1. The separate front of a garment. 2. The ventral
portion of a turtle's shell.
Pleonasm A redundant superfluous expression; use of more
words than are required to convey meaning.