Page 68 - Lulu and Bob in Verbo City
P. 68
Pneumoultramicroscopic- A lung disease caused by inhalation of volcanic
silicovolcanoconiosis dust; word was coined in 1935 specifically to be the
longest in the English language.
Polysyllablitis (VC) A logorrheic disorder characterized by
pleonasm and sesquipedalian obscurantism.
Polytetrafluoroethylene A tough synthetic resin used to create a nonstick
coating on cooking utensils; Teflon.
Portmanteau 1. A hinged leather suitcase. 2. A word formed by
merging parts of two other words.
Prehension Grasping or seizing; recognition by the mind or
Prestidigitational Of or related to performing sleight of hand or
conjuring tricks with the hands.
Quasihemidemisemiquaver A musical 128th note.
Recondite Abstruse, concealed or ambiguous in meaning.
Resoluble Possible to resolve. (VC) Resoluble fiber: that part
of one's character which can be strengthened.
Rhombicosidodecahedron A 62-sided solid formed of 20 regular triangles, 30
regular squares and 12 regular pentagons.
Rhymatism (VC) A chronic low-grade form of
Rhymebunctious (VC) A repeated and obnoxious tendency to create
Sang-froid Coolness and composure, particularly when under
Semanticist 1. A theorist of meaning. 2. (VC) A word doctor.
Sesquipedalian 1. A long word. 2. (VC) A word of at least eighteen
letters (loosely, from Latin).
Simianly (VC) In the manner of an ape or monkey.
Sonority The quality or state of being sonorous or resonant;
Sororal Sisterly.
Spoonerismus (VC) A pathological production of spoonerisms
(transpositions of syllables between words).
Syntactectomy (VC) An oral surgery correcting an overgrowth of
Telekineseis The supposed ability to move objects by purely
mental effort.
Trepidly (VC) Fearfully; with uncontrollable trembling.
Turbinated Spiraling or spinning like a top; shaped like a top or
spiral, as some invertebrate shells.
Underhand (VC) A hand below and therefore concealed by
another object.
Ungulate Adj.: having or resembling a hoof or hooves.
Noun: the order of hoofed mammals; a hoofed
Vestigial Occurring or persisting as a rudimentary or
degenerate structure, as in the human appendix.