Page 10 - The Gluckman Occasional Number Eight
P. 10

Additions to the Dictionary of Neology

      Actorplasm [n.] mysterious substance revealed at thespian séances.

      Altimidate [v.] using one’s height to frighten others.

      Ambiloquacious [adj.] able to speak out of both sides of the mouth.

      Ambivalate [v.] waffle in appraising.

      Amputheatre [n.] ad hoc venue of battlefield surgery.

      Amuletics [n.] annual event in which competitors test the power of their
      talismans, charms, crystals, magic rings and religious ornaments against a
      series of standardized hazards.

      Androgynate [v.] cause to become or appear both male and female.

      Anguiphile [n.] person fond of the Anguish language or people.

      Animalevolence [n.] faunal misanthropy created by humans.

      Antepenultimatum [n.] a warning prior to the next to last one.

      Anthroapologist [n.] one who expresses regret for humanity’s actions.

      Antidextrous [adj.] ready, willing or able to do anything clumsily.

      Apocalypso [n.] songs to accompany cosmic destruction.

      Aquafur [n.] the hair of a natatorial mammal.

      Athletischism [n.] sports injury resulting in separation of body parts.

      Autometrist [n.] an autometry professional; any self-estimator.

      Avoirdufois [n.] over-consumption of force-fed goose liver.

      Bewilderness [n.] the condition or location of befuddlement.

      Blandwich [n.] a slice of American cheese with mayonnaise between two
      slices of white bread.

      Blurge [v.] blur and merge together. [n.] the image thus produced.
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