Page 12 - The Gluckman Occasional Number Eight
P. 12
Forfensive [adj.] the quality of actions taken to avert or forbid.
Frenchilada [n.] jalapeño and salsa in a croissant.
Frolleague [n.] fellow worker with whom one shares amusements.
Frostril [n.] a nasal icicle.
Fusia [n.] mythological country, the origin of fusion cuisine.
Futilism [n.] the doctrine that nothing can help.
Generican [n.] an inhabitant of Generica, the land of Brand X.
Gliblets [] short phrases that roll off the tongue and dribble down the
Globe trots [n.] traveler’s diarrhea.
Grimwear [n.] garb suggesting the wearer is dying, dead or Death.
Gymnauseum [n.] sensation induced by viewing oneself exercising in front
of full-length mirrors.
Gynecollegial [adj.] fond of associating with other females.
Haute-doggerel [n.] higher-class product of literary sausage-makers.
Hippopotable [adj.] of water to which a horse can be led successfully.
Historicide [n.] destruction of physical evidence of the past.
Homo Eructus [n.] Belching Man, extinct hominid found in Urpistan.
Hummuscide [n.] death by Middle Eastern cuisine.
Iatrotropaic [n. & adj.] keeps doctors away; found in apples.
Ignarrogance [n.] the powerful synthesis of not knowing or caring.
Impermeabubble [n.] the outer layer of the iconosphere .
Impreparable [adj.] for which or whom preparation is impossible.
Infiniternity [n.] the reality of four-dimensional endlessness.
Innocuate [v.] render immune to violent impulses.