Page 15 - The Gluckman Occasional Number Eight
P. 15

Rectalian [n. & adj.] contemptible behavior or person.

      Rectangulate [v.] force into a shape with four sides at right angles.

      Retrofugal [adj.] tending to flee into the past.

      Robotomy [n.] excision of automated machinery.

      Romanium [n.] a mineral discovered below the Vatican catacombs.

      Salubrium [n.] panacea sold in the U.S.; formerly Herpetoleum.

      Scruffian [n.] an unkempt and unclean hooligan.

      Sequestrian [adj.] of or related to concealing objects or people.

      Simulchasm [n.] multiple cases of the earth opening at the same time.

      Sinequanonically [adv.] in the manner of that which is essential.

      Snirk [v. & n.] simultaneously sneer and smirk.

      Skintegrity [n.] keeping one’s epidermis free of tattoos and piercings.

      Snivulet [n.] a thin stream of mucus running down the upper lip.

      Sporadica [n.] inflammation of the sporadic nerve.

      Stochastomancy [n.] divination by probabilistic guesswork.

      Sunkist [n.] an adherent of Sunkism, the belief that we are sunk.

      Syruptitiously [adv.] in a manner intended to siphon off more sweets than
      are deserved.

      Tabulaborate [v.] draw excessively attenuated conclusions from data.

      Taffelteufel [n.] brand name of a German-made portable demon.

      Technicholer [n.] chromatic rage caused by electronic devices.

      Tempifuge [n.] device slowing time by high-speed spinning.

      Teratophant [n.] a revealer of monstrosities.

      Terranormal [adj.] of the ecology presumed to exist pre-humanity.
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