Page 82 - The Legacy of Abraham Rothstein - text
P. 82

Idling in Pelcovizna
        came from Russia were large, running five or six pounds apiece; some
        poor Jews could not afford to spend a ruble for fish and had to go
           A food like fish, which is expensive, is what a person wishes to eat
        on a holy day. The Jews observed Sabbath strictly, but also celebrated
        it for its goodness, by enjoying better food and drink, and by singing,
        which gives expression to those feelings. And the Sabbath preserved
        the Jews as a race and nation through many centuries of exile; many
        other small nations have disappeared in time, because of absorption.
        Even nations living on their own soil, with their own language and
        customs have disappeared. Yet the Jew, without a land of his own
        and  adopting  different  languages  wherever  he  lived,  remained  a
        nationalist of his ancient country. Of course, that tenacity is a creed
        of his religion, but his religion was not only a belief, but was woven
        into the national and humanistic laws he observed, which gave him
        vigor and sustained him through persecution and sufferings until this
           One of these laws or customs was the Sabbath, one of the greatest
        laws  preserving  human  strength  and  improving  man’s  intelligence,
        keeping  the  nation  together.  In  ancient  society,  where  a  few
        intelligent  and  wealthy  men  ruled  the  state,  and  the  mass  of  the
        people were slaves or beasts of burden, there were no such things as
        rest days for the toilers, except for the celebration of a national deity
        or the destruction of another nation. Resting one day in the week, to
        recuperate the body’s energy and give the mind a chance to observe
        other  things  beside  mass  drudgery,  gave  men  the  opportunity  to
        develop  their  mentality,  meet  their  fellow  toilers  and  discuss  their
        conditions and ways of improving them. We can see an example in
        our  own  day  of  the  great  advancement  made  in  the  last  ten years,
        since a second day of rest was added: the youth of this generation are
        certainly brighter and have a better conception of the day’s problems.
           At that period, my father was out of work, and it would have been
        a calamity to my mother if our Sabbath should be without fish, so he
        encouraged us boys to go fishing. My father would have liked to go
        fishing himself, but it would have been the biggest disgrace to our
        family for him to fish like those Gentiles do. My brothers and I used
        to  go  fishing  on  Thursday  about  two  city  blocks  from  our  house,

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