Page 57 - Just Deserts
P. 57

Revelation Research

        out in the street waiting for the doors to open. The righteous hour
        has never drawn like that before!”
          “Why?” DeLeone’s face was a study in innocence. “What’s the big
        deal about the show today?”
          “You haven’t heard about the mystery woman? Yeah, sounds like
        a gimmick, I know, but after all this publicity old Jack will have to
        deliver a real bombshell. See there in the script? He’s going to bring
        on this woman—not showing her face, of course—and she’s going to
        blow the whistle on some scandal or other. He hasn’t said what kind
        of scandal, or who’s involved, but that’s just part of the come-on, if
        you ask me. Anyway, he’s going to get a huge TV audience for this
          “Oh?  It’s  going  out  on  satellite?”  DeLeone  asked  Schuster
        nonchalantly.  Receiving  an  answer  in  the  affirmative,  he  mused,
        “Then any other station in the world can pick up our feed and use it
        on its nightly news. But they’ll have to give us credit, and the money
        will already be in the bag, right?”
          “Right.  But  that’s  all  been  thought  out  in  advance—not  by
        McCracken, mind you: he’s got some  big Washington organization
        behind him on this one. They probably put together this whole thing
        with  the  mystery  woman.  Exactly  what  it’s  about  is  not  in  the
        script—they didn’t want any leaks.  Just remember: if she doesn’t say
        what she is supposed to say, Jack will give us the high sign and you
        push the tape button in a hurry. Okay?”
          Dan DeLeone gave the thumbs-up sign and put on his headset. It
        was show time.
          On  cue,  highly-amplified  applause  greeted  the  evangelist  as  he
        descended  a  glittering  blue  staircase  in  a  cloud  of  dry  ice.  The
        substitute director smoothly cut to a close-up of the sexagenarian’s
        saintly  features  and  superimposed  the  toll-free  telephone  number
        across his neck. Snooder looked at Schuster and shrugged; the latter
        returned a surprised grimace. Then both men relaxed and returned to
        their responsibilities.
          The  mystery  woman  was  not  preceded  by  a  warm-up  act.  Jack
        McCracken forsook his usual fire-and-brimstone diatribe against the
        evils of unseen forces and got right to the point; a bank of phone
        operators  behind  him  sat  idle  by  silent  instruments,  so  he  had  no
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