Page 81 - Tomcats in Paradise
P. 81
Levi watched the bag drop into place, bottling up Spats beneath a
considerable dead weight. He could almost hear the interloper
howling with rage—but the garbage truck had rounded the corner
and the noise of its ponderous mechanisms drowned out all else.
When the garbage men came to the large pile of trash they worked
quickly, first dumping the can with the large bag on top into the huge
bin on pneumatic arms, then tossing the other bags right behind it.
This filled the bin, so they raised it high in the air and tilted it
backwards to empty its contents into the back of the truck.
Billy Bob caught sight of Spats coming down, clawing madly at the
tumbling refuse all around him, but finding nothing to get a grip on.
The truck drove on, leaving an alley full of empty garbage cans
strewn about in all directions.
Billy Bob Cat turned to Levi. “Was there really a piece of liver in
that can?”
“Yes,” sighed Levi Katz. “I found it in another alley and carried it
over there when he wasn’t looking. I wish I had it now.”