Page 84 - Tomcats in Paradise
P. 84

No  sooner  had  his  crinkled  tail  crossed  the  threshold  of  this
        wonderful seafood grotto than Eddie became aware that something
        else smelled fishy. He turned to leap out of the box but it was too
        late.  A  panel  slid  shut  right  in  his  face.  Eddie  screamed  bloody
        murder and clawed at the smooth edges and corners of his prison, all
        to no avail: he was trapped.
          He heard human voices and smelled his own fear overpowering the
        fake fish aroma. The befuddled animal scrambled for balance as the
        box suddenly twisted and turned on its axes.
          The  container  made  rough  contact  with  some  unyielding  surface
        and the panel slid open. Eddie moaned loudly and refused to move,
        but another tiny window in the box opened and a blunt stick prodded
        him  forward.  This  was  the  last  straw.  Eddie  lost  the  last  shred  of
        sanity  and  exploded.  He  hissed  and  spat  and  lashed  out  in  all
        directions. But that just made it all the easier for him to be pushed
        out of the box and into a small wire cage.
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