Page 85 - Tomcats in Paradise
P. 85

Another door slammed shut and Eddie Puss was left in the dark.
        But he was not alone. An overpowering confusion  of feline odors
        and sounds assaulted his senses. His eyes adjusted to the gloom and
        he  made  out  the  shapes of  several  other cats  inside  a surrounding
        matrix of wire cages. Then a motor revved, and the entire structure
        began vibrating and bouncing. They were moving, on the back of a
          As Eddie cowered against the back of his compartment, he heard a
        familiar voice.
          “Yeah, that’s him,” said Billy Bob Cat, very nearby. “They caught
        old crazy cat, too.”
          And then another cat, whose vocal tones were also quite familiar,
        answered from a different direction: “Well, what do you expect, man?
        If we were stupid enough to fall for it, he wouldn’t stand a chance.”
          It was Levi Katz.
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