Page 20 - Observations
P. 20

My healthiest fantasy is that my real life is as healthy as my fantasy

        When a mental gymnast trips he tumbles onto himself.

        Refusal  to  dismiss  cosmic  injustice  leads  to  denial  of  temporal

        Legalism is the first refuge of a scoundrel.

        You may never be too old to learn, but you can always be too young.

        When  there’s  no  time  like  the  present,  there’s  no  present  like  the

        Don’t wrestle with a riddle in the middle of a trestle.

        If  your  need  for  explanation  survives  your  education,  your
        explanations will require further education.

        It’s not unreasonable to hide your reasons for hiding.

        Do  not  produce  what’s  not  of  use;  do  not  consume  what  hastens

        Power corrupts most easily those whose incorruptibility is a function
        of powerlessness.

        Every lie has a cost, every liar a price.

        Labor-saving devices must be good: we’ve been asleep at the wheel
        ever since it was invented.

        The mind is quite well-stocked, if you’ve got an ice saw.

        The moral high ground is an easy target for snipers below.

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