Page 19 - Observations
P. 19

Memory makes your pinball course a line of sight.

        Those  who  slumber  in  ivory  towers  may  dream  of  elephant

        In the company of fools, a con man has competitors.

        Just before I’m bored to tears, I fall to pieces: cancel the mop and
        bring a broom.

        Hypocritical iconoclasm obfuscates theological anthropomorphism.

        When the offended apologize, the apologetic become offensive.

        Use  your  third  hand  to  hook  what  you’re  holding  up  onto  what
        you’re hanging from before they pull you apart.

        Laugh first, and ask questions later: else the joke’s dead, funny or not.

        An  echo  remains  as  long  as  someone  still  waits  for  the  final

        No music I play is as important to me as being played by music.

        Who’s painted  himself into a corner can still  sign the  name  of his
        chief mourner.

        The point of arguing is to make a point; making a scene is pointless.

        The  unexamined  life  is  routinized;  from  either  side  it’s  never

        The stick with which a young man beats himself gets no frailer as it

        The longer longs to make connections; the shorter shorts them out.

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