Page 16 - Observations
P. 16

Ineliminable contingency is Fate’s interminable stringency.

        Is it that nothing ever could or that nothing ever did taste as good as
        your grandmother’s cookies?

        Some juggling acts begin after the balls are dropped.

        If the moon can unbalance  the earth’s oceans,  why  not a quart of
        cerebrospinal fluid?

        Advertising can convince a child to be nostalgic.

        In Japan, obligation is formal and form is obligatory.

        Self-control presumes subject and object are identical; remote control
        does not.

        The tree around which you chase your tail does not get dizzy.

        As Durkheim would say, by clearing the street temporarily a traffic
        signal promotes jaywalking.

        The best thing black magic did was delay darker science.

        Beyond  two  cycles  per  second,  the  speed  of  laughter  reveals  how
        much it isn’t just funny.

        By costing less to fake, the frosting saves the cake.

        Although it’s true believers never doubt their benefits, they never get
        the benefit of doubt.

        Between science’s “no mind” and Buddhism’s no-mind is the haze of
        metaphysics international.

        Those who cancel out are called well-balanced.

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