Page 14 - Observations
P. 14

Speak volumes; hear lines; miss points.

        Perception  of  symmetry  pleases  the  mind  by  faintly  flattering

        Small talk listening: same size.

        Theological euphemism removes an oath’s object to a textbook on

        Resignation  of  the  critical  faculties  is  not  the  answer  to  academic

        You transcend nothing you’re not beneath or within.

        If killing is sinful, and God will damn sinners, then it makes sense to
        use mercenaries.

        Paranoia converts nothing anywhere into something everywhere.

        Children fill their heads with nonsense to leave no room for you.

        The most fantastic thing ever done  by a fantasy character is living
        happily ever after.

        Corrections of course must be made for each lesson missed.

        Introspection sticks you in the center until you can generalize your
        way out.

        From the top, fear of heights becomes fear of depths.

        Sighted creatures confused by their own invisibility, we fashion masks
        to find each other.

        Wander and ponder? You’re a peripatetic philosopher—or demented.

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