Page 10 - Observations
P. 10

Grabitallism: from each, all you can get away with; to each, as little as
        you dare. Craponallism: pecking order is also pooping order.

        A note to my mortician: Please: less Munck and more Titian.

        The axis of praxis is the pole of goal.

        The  average  insect  makes  more  daily  decisions  and  of  greater
        consequence to its life than any human.

        Evolution of the brain: numb, number, numbered.

        Immigrants  and  imperialists  both  leave  their country  to  find  work,
        the former because of the latter.

        The best way to be yourself is in as many ways as possible.

        Asleep, I can’t die: there I’m already dead to the world; but if life is a
        dream, I could die in your sleep.

        The panicked and the absent-minded both suffer tunnel vision.

        When  the  monotheist  in  fact  is  dualist  and  the  polytheist  really  is
        monist, is it any wonder numerology survives?

        Honor system? Why? It doesn’t honor us.

        What you’ve got to think about depends upon what you’ve got to
        think with.

        Self-commitment soon includes expectations of others.

        I  must  make  my  monochrome  monitor’s  green  say  exactly  what  I
        mean; outside infinite shades of green mean nothing at all.

        The closed mind is full, not empty.

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