Page 5 - Observations
P. 5

A moron and his neuron are soon parted.

        Imaginary  problems  are  solved  via  real  activity;  real  problems  are
        solved via imaginative activity.

        The perigee of apathy is the apogee of empathy.

        Churches  have  lightning  rods:  isn’t  their  deity  the  New  Testament
        God of Love, not the Old Testament God of Wrath?

        Life is the leading preventable cause of death.

        The  wisdom  dispensed  by  a  gumball  machine:  the  perfection  of
        seamless shiny spheres.

        Those  few  of  my  nest  eggs  not  stolen  by  jackals  are  brooded  by

        Too bad a lifetime of lies can only encounter one moment of truth.

        Old age is a bad time to run out of beginner’s luck.

        A contest of equals leaves too much to chance: better buy a suit with
        two pairs of pants.

        Melting permafrost? Terra firma lost.

        If dealt from a pack of lies, it matters not what hand you play.

        Afraid of risky commercial ventures? Don’t sell steak knives to lions
        with dentures.

        Even a sourpuss can get a sweetie pie thrown in his face.

        Ego says: I want to be loved for what I love, and I don’t want to love
        anything else for anyone.

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