Page 3 - Observations
P. 3

        Cave diem: carpe canem!

        If you’re going to draw a line between black and white, make sure it
        goes through gray.

        If the shoe fits, be glad you’re not barefoot in the jungle.

        “The  revolution  will  not  be  televised”  simply  because  television

        Belabor the obvious until it bears the unheard of.

        In satire, mockery is implicit. It is thus more acceptable than parody,
        in which it is explicit.

        Those who can’t help themselves, help themselves.

        A skeptic  on drugs  swallows whole the hallucinations  digested  and
        regurgitated by poets and mystics.

        The  price  of  liberty  is  eternal  vigilance:  too  late  the  false  coin  is

        What’s left of what left should write of what’s right.

        Between false hope and factual error, the skyhook of belief suspends
        us over sheer terror.

        She’s been around the block enough times to find a parking place.

        The trouble with giving oneself a massage is not knowing whether
        that snapping sound comes from the masseur or his client.

        Even unsinged, you may collide with other moths.

        Captured imagination accepts unreasonable terms

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