Page 4 - Observations
P. 4

Dating  is  a  class  for  cowgirls  learning  to  break  mustangs  into

        I’d rather play taps on my ear trumpet than hear a line of Ode to Joy.

        Tsunami detection? Why, when we cannot perceive the rising tide of

        The curse of nature: may you discover the brakes just as you hit the

        As  a  poem  is  an  already  assembled  puzzle,  solving  it  requires
        reassembly in prose.

        Take advantage of what’s good before what’s bad takes it of you.

        Will we fish out the ocean before we kill it, or kill ourselves before it
        returns the favor?

        The balloon, not the ceiling, is impressed.

        If you are your own worst enemy, you’re probably also your greatest
        secret admirer.

        Is networking not working, or not networking not working?

        Guilt by association is too often followed by collective punishment.

        An  ounce  of  prevention’s  not  worth  a  pound  of  cure:  the  best
        argument against for-profit medical care.

        Predatory paternalism: we eat our young.

        Whatever happened to whatever happened?

        If you think out loud, you won’t be understood by those who listen
        but do not think.

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