Page 155 - The Prosperous Way _ (APRIL 2024 v3)
P. 155


          As we look back at the many  Scriptures and principles that we have
          explored, and before we come to the end of our journey together, it’s
          important to pause and consider some of the key habits and attitudes
          that we have learned. I like to use the acronym Success TIPS to provide
          a simple way of remembering our road map.

          T — Time: One of the most important success habits is effective management of
          time. There is a proper time and place for everything: There is a time for prayer,
          worship and the study of the Word; there is a time to plan and a time to act;
          there is a time for work, and a time for fellowship and rest. We seek to manage
          time so that, first, we engage in the appropriate activity at the appropriate time,
          and  so  that  we  accomplish  what  is  important  to  be  done  within  the  time
          allotted for that activity. This is the key to living life fully. A successful life is one
          in which time has been well managed.

          I  —  Information:  Information  is  what  we  know;  our  skills,  the  details  of  our
          specific craft. Applying knowledge effectively means being able to accurately
          assess what is needed and being able to quickly provide relevant information
          to address that situation. Our first challenge is to develop an awareness of our
          natural talents, so that we can begin to use our innate abilities in our area of
          work. Then we must seek to grow in competence by honing our talents and
          skills  so  as  to  build  a  reservoir  of  information  or  knowledge  that  is  readily
          available to quickly and effectively meet the needs of others.

          P — People: Building effective relationships with the people that we encounter
          in our daily walk is the third key, but is perhaps the most important. The Bible
          teaches us how we should walk in kindness, faithfulness, integrity, and grace,
          so that we find favour with both God and man.

          S — Self: Self-management is the final key. This means first managing our “inner
          selves”: By guarding our heart attitudes and the thoughts of our minds, and
          remaining in a place of courage, faith and trust in God. It also means managing
          our “outer selves”: By following the practical steppingstones to success that help
          turn our dreams into reality, and by taking care of our physical bodies. Finally,
          it means developing the disciplines of saving and managing our money, so that
          it grows and remains.

          Focusing on these Success TIPS will keep us on track as we navigate our
          pathway to prosperity.

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