Page 156 - The Prosperous Way _ (APRIL 2024 v3)
P. 156


          I hope that this book has helped to clarify some issues that you might
          have  as  a  Christian  on  the  topic  of  wealth,  success  and  financial
          management. However, it is intended only as a start, more a point in the
          right direction than a full travel guide!

          As  mentioned  before,  there  are  many  great  books  and  resources
          available  that  go  into  the  nitty-gritty  of  financial  management,
          budgeting, career choice, investment strategy, time management, and
          so on.  However, whatever we learn and put into practice should always
          be anchored in biblical principles, which I hope this book has provided.
          For in the words of the teacher in the final chapter of Ecclesiastes: “The
          words  of  the  wise  are  like  goads,  their  collected  sayings  like  firmly
          embedded  nails—given  by  one  Shepherd.    Be  warned  my  son  of
          anything in addition to them.  Of many books, there is no end, and much
          studying wearies the body.”

          So friend, as we travel the road together, let’s keep it simple. Let’s stick
          close to the Word of God, test everything else against the Scriptures and
          let the wisdom of the Word be our ultimate guide.  It is my hope and my
          prayer that we will meet face to face in Heaven at our journey’s end.

               “Therefore get wisdom; though it costs you all you have,
                                 Get understanding”
                                    (Proverbs 4:7)

                     “He who cherishes understanding prospers.”
                                     (Proverbs 19:8)

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