Page 154 - Reason To Sing by Kelita Haverland
P. 154

Reason To Sing

          (just like a magician) - POOF!  He produces a small piece of
          mirror, a sharp new razor blade and a crisp 100-dollar bill.
              “Hey guys, I just happened to pick up a little birthday
          present to myself. Would any of you like to share it with me?”
          His eyes are twinkling, fully mischievous.
              “Cocaine? Do you have coke?” I am surprisingly excited.
              “Yes, I most certainly do,” he smiles, retrieving the small
          paper packet from his shirt pocket.
              “Where did you manage to score that?” Ken is elated.
              “Oh, I have my connections.” Hudson loves to be important.
              He methodically lays out all the paraphernalia on the
          wooden coffee table. Everything in our apartment is old,
          including the pink couch. It’s a convertible sofa bed fondly
          known as Pink Floyd, rescued off the street one night before
          garbage day. Many a couple has made its acquaintance. It even
          made it into our wedding photos!
              I can feel the excitement building as Hudson carefully
          pours the white powder onto the mirror. Then he grips the tiny
          razor blade and, with surgeon-like precision, divides the small
          pile of cocaine into narrow rows. He rolls up the 100-dollar bill
          and places it just inside one nostril while closing off the other.
          We each lean over the table and take our turn. Whoa. Instant
          buzz. This tastes like a science experiment. Guess that’s why
          they call it a chemical.
              Suddenly I am feeling pretty high. I’ve always been overly
          sensitive to any kind of drug or stimulant. Even one tablespoon
          of cough medicine can send me over the top.  It’s a horrible
          feeling. But this? Well, I must say I am feeling pretty darned
          amazing. And with the cold beer chaser I feel even better.
              It’s such a blast to party with good friends. Hudson deserves
          some fun too. That restaurant practically owns him. He works
          crazy-long hours which means I spend too much time alone. In

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