Page 214 - Reason To Sing by Kelita Haverland
P. 214

Reason To Sing

                               Chapter Thirty-Six


          Standing here in the light of day, staring at our totally wrecked
          van, I am stunned that we walked away. Unscathed! Anyone
          looking at this crumpled disaster would easily surmise the
          occupants were severely injured. It’s a write-off.
              There must be a reason why we were spared.
              That’s all I can think. There just has to be. God must have
          had his hand on this van. And on us! Why else? In spite of all
          the trauma I can’t shake my deep sense of gratitude for being
              And so I pray. Thank you, God. I know I probably haven’t
          been in your good books for quite some time. But I am pretty sure it’s
          because of you I am here today.
              The hair on the back of my neck stands up. I know that
          sense. This is familiar to me. No doubt in my mind. I know it. I
          feel Him. I know God’s touch.
              Much to our astonishment, there is hardly any damage to
          the musical gear. The drums and amps were packed so tightly,
          only a few minor things are broken. This big lug of a van has
          carried us and others many a mile. And we are so lucky it was
          just Hudson and me in it and not the whole band. God only
          knows what could have happened.
              After transferring the gear into the rental, we set off. We
          drive for hour after hour underneath a dull, grey, wintry sky.
          When we hit northern Ontario, we feel the anticipation of a
          first snowfall. We stop for our first break of the day and the
          chill in the air is agonizing. But it can’t possibly match the

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