Page 310 - Reason To Sing by Kelita Haverland
P. 310
Reason To Sing
we talk excitedly about the progress of my new album as well
as the other recording projects he’s working on.
And we enjoy our son, the glue that still binds our little
family together. Watching him tear up the sidewalk on his
bright yellow plastic three-wheel bike brings gigantic smiles
to both our faces. Oh, how good it feels to laugh at his silly
little antics. Together. Like we are connected again as a family.
We celebrate with a round of popsicles, Keldon’s favourite
summer treat. “You sure have a sweet tooth,” I grin, wiping
popsicle juice off his face with the end of my tee shirt. “No
Mommy,” he slurps the last morsel of purple ice. “All of my
teeth are sweet!”
Gord bursts out laughing and my heart warms enough
to match the July sun. The shroud of sadness that’s been
hanging over our home for so long is slowly lifting. But we
are nowhere near home free. Gord and I still avoid talking
about anything personal or serious. The reprieve from the
months of stress has been a welcome relief. But I still have no
idea what Gord does when he leaves Keldon and me. Where
does he go? Who does he see? Does he sleep alone? Is he with
her? Lenora and I have not spoken a word to one another and
that is exactly the way I want it. I keep believing there will be
a miracle with this man. With my husband.
And then it happens.
It is a warm summer night. Gord is just about to leave
after dinner. We are by the back door and I am standing on
the landing, a few steps higher than him. I am fully expecting
him to thank me for dinner and leave but he just stands there,
staring at me. And then he gently reaches for both my hands
and pulls me just a little closer. His beautiful brown eyes
are locked onto mine. I almost lose my balance as my body
melts into his gaze. Then in the most soft and loving voice