Page 352 - Reason To Sing by Kelita Haverland
P. 352
Reason To Sing
but ended up creating my own - Heart & Soul Music. I have
released six original CDs and handled all my own publishing
and management for many years.
Now here’s the funny thing: I always believed I would be
a star. From my childhood through the Hudson-era and even
after Keldon was born, my absolute belief in my talent and my
ability to scale the highest heights of the entertainment world
never wavered. Even now, after all these decades, that belief has
not gone away. The difference now is my focus.
When I entered this new arena, I had to transform myself
from being self-centered to being God-centered. I went from
selling beer, sex and good times to selling God and the power
of His love, healing and transformation. That was a very sharp
learning curve. I fumbled my way around at first but soon
understood that I was no longer singing for myself, for money
or for accolades and stardom. I was singing for Him. The truth
is I needed to be humbled. And I was.
I learned how to be of service with the gifts that had been
bestowed upon me. God was most gracious with me and so
were those who took the chance on hiring this “new” Kelita.
I believe that God started using my ministry to inspire and
bring healing, hope and encouragement to a hurting world.
Over the years I’ve used those gifts to advocate for women
and children through personal mentoring and life coaching.
For several years I used my music’s platform to direct a project
that helped educate the public and raise funds for young girls
rescued from human trafficking in Cambodia. This is still
something very near and dear to my heart.
Adopting a Christian lifestyle and becoming a ‘minister of
music’ transformed my life and my career. It has brought me
blessings too numerous to count. Do I own a mansion on a hill,
drive an expensive car or have millions of followers? No. But