Page 86 - Reclaim YOUR DIGITAL GOLD (without audio)
P. 86
the availability of personalized and higher-quality
AI-enhanced products and services is likely to increase
consumer demand, which will generate more data, the
second channel will become even more important in the
future. As PwC puts it, “increased consumption produces
a vicious cycle of more data touchpoints and, as a result,
more data, better insights, and better goods, and, as a
result, more consumption.” (PWC, 2018). Although the
benefits will be felt globally, it is expected that China and
North America will benefit the most from AI technology.
North America will almost certainly launch several
productive technologies in the near future, and the
gains will be boosted by advanced artificial intelligence
usage (on the part of both enterprises and consumers),
rapid data accumulation, and improved data driven
understanding of customers.
Although China appears to be the leader in automation,
as evidenced by increased data generation and AI
implementation, it is likely that the country’s massive
manufacturing sector will be the first to realize the full
impact of artificial intelligence, and it will then move up
the value chain into more sophisticated and high-tech-
driven manufacturing and commerce, if not already.
Europe will also benefit greatly from AI, whereas poorer
countries will likely see more modest gains due to lower
rates of AI adoption.
The US will also experience significant economic gains
from AI. According to the projections of McKinsey Global
Institute (MGI), the business and economics research arm
of McKinsey, more than 70% of organizations in the US
will implement at least one form of artificial intelligence
technology by 2030 (McKinsey Global Institute, 2018).