Page 89 - Reclaim YOUR DIGITAL GOLD (without audio)
P. 89

The New ecoNomy aNd The fuTure

            AI-certified  professionals  is  expected  to  rise.  Because
            artificial intelligence is expected to play an increasingly
            important  role  in  the  information  technology  industry,
            obtaining certification in the field may provide you with
            a competitive advantage over other IT professionals. In
            general, it is difficult to predict where artificial intelligence
            will go in the future. There is no denying, however, that
            the opportunities provided by artificial intelligence (AI)
            can open up for those who invest in it.

             Digital Gold Nuggets

                  ♦ Artificial intelligence is a term that everyone is
               familiar with, and in some cases is even present
               in their homes (hello Alexa, Siri, Google Home,

                  ♦ You can change the privacy settings on these
               devices and mobile phones to prevent them
               from listening in on your every conversation or
               recoding your voice.

                  ♦ Let’s not be afraid of the future. It is already
               here; AI-powered services and types of equipment
               and devices, such as drones, autonomous
               vehicles, and robots are all around us, to make our
               lives more convenient and productive.

                  ♦ Explore and discover how you will be able to
               benefit from AI-powered services mentioned in
               this chapter.

                  ♦ Invest in artificial intelligence (AI) education
               and training for your future.

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