Page 87 - Reclaim YOUR DIGITAL GOLD (without audio)
P. 87

The New ecoNomy aNd The fuTure

            MGI  further  projects  that  artificial  intelligence  could
            result  in  an increase  of approximately  $13  trillion  US
            dollars in economic output worldwide by 2030, resulting
            in  an  annual  increase  of approximately  1.2  percent  in
            global  GDP.  This  will  primarily be  due to automation
            replacing labor and an increase in the rate of innovative
            product and service development.  On  the  other hand,
            some  sources  propose  that  artificial  intelligence  will
            have a limited impact on growth, as evidenced by sectors
            with the highest productivity growth rates but a declining
            overall share of the economy.
            Also, AI could cause a shock in the labor markets, as
            well as the associated costs required to manage labor
            market  transitions.  This shock would  be caused  by
            negative  externalities  such as  a  decrease  in  domestic
            consumption as a result of unemployment.

            Despite AI’s advancement, some areas of the economy
            will  remain  critical  and  difficult  to  improve  using  AI,
            requiring well-paid human labor. In the end, this would
            prevent new technology from having a widespread impact
            on these sectors of the economy. It is also possible that
            AI will stifle future innovations because it will accelerate
            imitation, reducing the return on invention.

            As a result, AI is likely to have both positive and negative
            effects on the economy. It remains to be seen whether
            the positive will outweigh the negative.

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