Page 30 - 100 Uses for Essential Oils
P. 30

100 Uses for Essential Oils

         Chapter six                                            That’s the beauty of essential oils—they're versatile enough
                                                                to offer benefits to those working toward weight loss goals,
         Wellness                                               people looking for digestive benefits, those hoping to boost
                                                                their immune system, and others looking for a variety of
                                                                benefits that contribute to a healthy lifestyle.* Essential
                                                                oils aren’t designed to be a quick fix or a cure-all; rather,
                                                                they’re meant to be combined with healthy choices and

         Whether you consider yourself                          activities that contribute to a healthy body overall. As you
                                                                use essential oils to promote wellness, think about other
         to be a health and wellness guru,                      healthy habits you can adopt that will help to enhance your
         or you just do your best to eat a                      entire life—this will make your use of essential oils even

         little better or exercise a bit more,                  more powerful!
         essential oils can be useful for                       Let’s talk about 10 ways to incorporate essential oils into a
         promoting a vibrant life.                              healthy lifestyle.

         As a natural product, essential oils can be a great way to
         care for the body when used properly. You’ll probably find
         that—when combined with other healthy habits like eating
         right, exercising often, and getting enough rest—essential
         oils provide an effective way of promoting wellness.

         We touched briefly on some of the benefits that essential
         oils offer the body when we discussed internal usage
         in Chapter 3, but this is really only the beginning of the
         possibilities. When used for their intended purposes,
         essential oils have the potential to promote healthy
         digestion, protect against seasonal or environmental threats,
         support healthy immune function, provide antioxidant
         support, and more.* As mentioned earlier, the particular
         benefits an essential oil offers will depend heavily on its
         unique chemical makeup. Each essential oil has its own set
         of benefits; however, as you start to use essential oils more
         frequently, you’ll come to realize that a wide variety of oils
         can promote health and wellness.

         No matter your wellness goals, essential

         oils can be used in your daily routine to

          promote a happy, well-taken-care-of body.

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