Page 35 - CASA Bulletin 2022, 9(6) 特刊 (1)
P. 35
CASA Bulletin of Anesthesiology
Table. Steps to result in an adequately positioned SAD; trouble-shooting options [verify SAD position with (video) laryngoscope];
causes of a malpositioned SAD; and treatment options. SAD, supraglottic airway device
Adequately positioned SADs produce a good seal and no leak Malpositioned SADs produce a leak and airway obstruction
(ideal situation) (unwanted situation)
Five requirements of an ideally positioned SAD: Five causes of a malpositioned SAD:
(i) Tip of distal cuff in oesophagus (i) Tip of distal cuff of SAD folding over/backward
(ii) Epiglottis resting on outside of SAD cuff (ii) Tip of distal cuff of SAD between vocal cords
(iii) Tip of epiglottis aligned with proximal cuff of SAD (iii) Epiglottis in bowl of SAD without downfolding
(iv) Cuff of SAD adequately inflated to produce seal (iv) Epiglottis in bowl of SAD with downfolding
(v) Avoidance of cuff folding (silicone is better than polyvinyl (v) Epiglottis folding double
Trouble-shooting options:Intracuff pressure a maximum of 60
cm H2O at induction and maintenance
Avoid: Treatment options:
• Cuff hyperinflation (dislocation of SAD) • Jaw thrust to open oropharyngeal space (increase distance between
• Cuff hypoinflation (risk for aspiration) epiglottis and posterior wall of oropharynx)
• Use of a too deep/too small SAD • Use of a railroading technique with the help of a bougie or orogastric
• Use of a too superficial/too large SAD tube
• Magill forceps
1. 减少声门和呼吸道损伤。插管困难病例通过可视 SADs 直视下正确定位气管插管位置;与柔
2. 减少气道的刺激
3. 血流动力学波动小
4. 病患耐受性高
5. 麻醉回复快捷,并发症少
与患者的 BMI 大小、ASA 分级、是否有胃-食道反流(GERD)、是否患有糖尿病以及糖尿病发病时
间长短和程度(HbA1c) 等因素均无相关!甚至大量的研究也未能证实妊娠是易于导致误吸的相关
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