Page 2 - Ordinariate Scotland Newsletter - Easter 2024
P. 2

News from The Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham in Scotland                        Page 2

         not remember but which are         prayer: “I receive you, price of the   Rome, in whose obedience I now
         believed to have been these:       redemption of my soul, I receive   leave this life.”
         “Adoro te devote” (“I devoutly     you, viaticum of my pilgrimage.
         adore you”, the opening line of    For your love I have studied, I      Finally, St. Thomas devoutly
         the beautiful hymn written by      have kept vigil and I have spent   requested that the sacrament
         St. Thomas and sung during         myself; I have preached you, I     of anointing of the sick be
         Eucharistic adoration.             have taught you and I have never   imparted to him the next day.
           I devoutly adore you, O hidden Deity,  expressed anything that is against   Shortly after, on 7th March
          Truly hidden beneath these appearances.  you, and if it has happened I have   1274, he calmly surrendered
             My whole heart submits to you,  done it unintentionally and I do   his spirit to the Lord, at just 49
               And in contemplating you,    not persist in that opinion. And if   years of age.
              It surrenders itself completely.  I have said anything wrong about   First published by ACI Prensa for the Spanish-
           Subsequently, the saint          this Sacrament or anything else,   language news partner of CNA (Catholic News
         approached the Blessed             I submit myself entirely to the     Agency) and translated and adapted by Abel
         Sacrament and offered this         correction of the holy Church of         Camasca for CNA, on 7th March 2024.

         2024 Pilgrimage and Conference

              NCE AGAIN our                                                         purpose.  There is an
         O Oannual Pilgrimage                                                       important link between
         and Conference is at                                                       Pluscarden and the
         Pluscarden Abbey and we                                                    Ordinariate in that the
         are most grateful to Abbot                                                 community can trace its
         Anselm Atkinson and the                                                    roots back to an Anglican
         community for making this                                                  community of monks on
         possible.  The theme of our                                                Caldey Island off the south
         Pilgrimage and Conference                                                  coast of Wales who in 1913
         this year is: Remembering                                                  were received into the
         Pope Benedict XVI and              My Journey with Our Lady of        Catholic Church as a group, the
         Anglicanorum coetibus, just        Walsingham.                        forerunners of the Ordinariates.
         over a year on from his death on
         31st December 2022, aged 95.         Reflecting on the life and         The cost of our weekend
                                            legacy of Pope Benedict XVI,       is kept low - £75 or £45
           We are delighted that once       Mgr Michael Nazir-Ali,             concession (students and
         again Mgr Keith Newton,            formerly the Anglican bishop of  unemployed) because all our
         our Ordinary, will be with us,     Rochester, now an Ordinariate      meals will be prepared by our
         when, over three day, we will      priest, has said that the birth    own In-house Team.  The
         reflect on Pope Benedict XVI       of the Personal Ordinariate of     custom of the Abbey is not to
         and his great vision in creating   Our Lady of Walsingham was a       charge guests, but those who
         the Ordinariates.  On Friday       “prophetic step to take” because   are able to make a donation for
         evening we will hear some of       it provided those involved in      accommodation, will have the
         the tributes made in Rome one  ecumenical dialogue with “a            opportunity to do so, and it will,
         year on from the death of Pope  concrete example of what unity        of course, be gratefully received.
         Benedict.  Later, Fr. Benedict     could look like” .
         Joseph OSB will reflect on                                              Day visitors are also welcome:
         The Writings of Benedict XVI         Today, Pluscarden Abbey is       £15 for one day, £30 for the
         and Fr. Benedict OSB on            home to a thriving Benedictine     weekend, including all meals.
         Benedict XVI: The Spirit of the    community living in the only       Full details and a Booking
         Liturgy.  On Saturday evening      medieval British monastery         Form on the front page of our
         David Chapman will speak on  still being used for its original        website:
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