Page 3 - Ordinariate Scotland Newsletter - Easter 2024
P. 3

News from The Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham in Scotland                        Page 3

         Southwest Scotland Ordinariate Group

            AST YEAR we decided                                                about ten for Mass, but this
        L Lto organise a week’s                                                nudges up to twenty during
         Pilgrimage to Walsingham.                                             the Summer when we enjoy
         As has become our practice                                            welcoming visitors to the area.
         before travelling, we prayed
         the Itinerary for departing                                             In the last twelve months we
         pilgrims at the start of the                                          have been celebrating Mass
         long trek south to Norfolk.  A                                        on the First Sunday of the
         small group of only six we set                                        month at Stonehouse Mill,
         off with various reasons for                                          Fr. Simon, and Sarah’s home.
         going and a high expectation                                          On the third Sunday Mass is
         for a time of reflection,                                             offered at a member’s house
         contemplation, and worship.                                           in Rockcliffe some fifty miles
                                                                               from Whithorn.  We are a
           We were not disappointed.                                           well-travelled group committed
         For some it was a first visit                                         to our distinctive liturgy and
         to the Shrine of Our Lady of                                          members regularly cover
         Walsingham, but it was a first                                        distances to Mass ranging 64,
         for us as a group. We stayed                                          72, 100 miles and 120 miles
         at the Dowry House in the                                             respectively, on return trips!!!
         village.  Our goal was simple;
         to settle into familiarising                                            This Lent, we have been
         ourselves with the Offices of                                         reading and studying Catholics
         Morning and Evening Prayer                                            In Exile – Biblical Wisdom for
         and offering daily Mass, both                                         The Journey Home by Scott
         according to Divine Worship.                                          Hahn & Brandon McGinley.
                                                                               The book was selected in
           The programme followed the                                          response to a request from a
         routine of the Shrine but                                              member for a recommendation
         also included a day out to                                             for a book for Lent, selected
         Ely Cathedral, exploring                                               for being a scripture- based
         the Abbey grounds, the                                                 response to a spiritual situation
         village, walking the Holy                                              of feeling “out of it” in the
         Mile and evenings playing                                              world as Catholics.
         pool and enjoying a glass
         or two of sherry with                                                    The book demonstrates this
         convivial conversation.  We                                            condition as one which we
         all returned home with a                                               should embrace to make our
         firm intention to go again.                          Whithorn. On  way to our true home in heaven
                                                              completion we  as citizens of the city of God.  It
           Our routine for Mass in                            go for lunch     also speaks to those who may
         Dumfries and Galloway                                at St Ninian’s   feel on the margins striving
         has been a Sung Mass                                 Tea Room         to be faithful in the world but
         every Wednesday at                                   at the Isle of   not of it. In the words of the
         10.30am followed by                                  Whithorn or      authors, “The aim of this book,
         Rosary Prayers at St                                 the Whithorn     therefore, is to go on a pilgrimage”
         Ninian and St Martin                                 Story Café.      So, if you do feel “out of sorts”
         of Tours in the centre of                            We number        but do not want to step out on
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