Page 6 - Ordinariate Scotland Newsletter - Easter 2024
P. 6

News from The Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham in Scotland                        Page 6

         noon, and already a number of
         Kirk folk and Catholics have
         said, “we’ll be there”!

           The late Mgr Mark
         Langham, in an essay on the
         role of the Ordinariate and
         Ecumenism, said, “when I
         was working for the Pontifical
         Council for Christian Unity in
         Rome, the Ordinariate was at
         the top of the agenda of every
         ecumenical discussion, a new
         way of doing ecumenism”.                           D ivine  W orship E v ening P r a y er a t Birnie K irk
                                                            Divine Worship Evening Prayer at Birnie Kirk

           This, surely, is exactly is now   “There’s a magic happening at       A lady who was not able to
         happening in Birnie Kirk, ‘a       Birnie Kirk which is uplifting”    be present at the first EP said,
         new way of doing ecumenism’        and, “You’ve tapped into           “I heard there was something
         facilitated by the Ordinariate.    something that transcends          going on at the Kirk, but I’ll be
                                                normal denominational          there next time,” and she has
                                                worship and it’s all very      been at every EP since.
                                                                                 The Minister of Elgin,
                                                  Ann Stronach said,           Rev Deon Oelofse, who was
                                                “Service last night was        present at EP said, “That was
                                                enjoyable and quite a          marvellous, God is really
                                                few I spoke with in the        working here,” adding “and
                                                congregation felt the          you’ve managed to triple the
                                                delivery of the psalms was     congregation!”
                                                slower and therefore easier

                                                for us”.  (Bryan had told        Hazel Dixon, Session Clerk of
               D er ek K elly r eading a L esson a t EP  everyone that the antiphonal   the new Elgin Kirk Session, said,
               Derek Kelly reading a Lesson at EP
           Evening Prayer (EP) is being     reciting of the psalms was not a   “Six months ago, when we heard
         lead by an ecumenical group        race and that they should slow     about the closure of Birnie
         under the direction of the         down!)                             Kirk, to be told that a group of
         Ordinariate’s Bryan Miller, and                                       Catholics offered to continue
         includes Dr Derek Kelly (St.         Ann added, “During its           the 900 years of worship here,
         Sylvester’s Catholic Church,       years of existence Birnie Kirk     seemed like an impossible
         Elgin), Jill Garrow (former        has been a unique example of       dream.  God is good and He
         Elder of Birnie Kirk and Elder     what one might describe as         is with us, as we take these
         on the new Elgin Kirk Session),    ‘ecumenism’.  Its rare Norman      new, exciting and privileged
         Ann Stronnach (former Elder        architecture in Scotland,          steps in His name.”
         of Birnie Kirk), Rob Birnie        has heard the worship of
         and Connor Steven (both            Catholic, Episcopalian and           She also said, “God is awesome
         Ordinariate.                       Church of Scotland followers.      and is certainly vibrant in this
                                            Many people of all Christian       little part of His creation.  He
           Comments have been               denominations and none regard  has indeed called us to a holy
         amazing.  Catriona Monro,          this as the beginning of a new     place through His grace.  It
         daughter of Rev Mr Torrie,         chapter.  In this way worship      always just boils down to trust
         Minister of Birnie (1955-86),      continues at Birnie Kirk.”         the Lord, who knows best.”
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