Page 9 - Ordinariate Scotland Newsletter - Easter 2024
P. 9

News from The Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham in Scotland                        Page 9

         New home for Edinburgh Mission

                                             Church of Scotland, took over     the Ordinariate in Edinburgh.
                                             the building but by the 1850s     Fr. Gerard has been a supporter
                                             the church was sold again, this   of the Ordinariate for many
                                             time to the growing Catholic      years, and is well known to Mgr
                                             Church in Scotland.               Keith Newton who said,  I am
                                                                               not surprised that Fr. Gerard
                                              The Cowgate was then known  Hatton suggested that. I have
                                             as  Little Ireland , due to the   known him for some years,
                                             numbers of Irish immigrants
                      St. Patrick’s
                      S t . P a trick ’ s    who had settled in the tall and
             HE EDINBURGH has a             cramped tenements of the area.
         T Tnew home in the Church          Even with the poverty of the
         of St. Patrick in the heart of     time they were still able to raise
         the historic city of Edinburgh.    £2000 of the £4000 needed to
         The offer of a permanent base      purchase the church.  In the
         came from Fr. Gerard Hatton        1890s the church was extended
         and Fr. Ninian Doohan, who         by reorientating the building
         are forming a Congregation of      by 90 degrees allowing a much
         the Oratory at St. Patrick’s with   larger sanctuary to be built,
         the support of the Archbishop      with side chapels on either side.
         of St. Andrews and Edinburgh,
         Archbishop Leo Cushley.              The church also contains
                                            the grave and shrine of the
                                                                                   The Lady Chapel in St. Patrick’s
           The church itself is in the      Venerable Margaret Sinclair,           T he L ad y C hapel in S t . P a trick ’ s
         very centre of Edinburgh and       a parishioner of this church
         can be approached from the         in the 1900s who eventually        and I think it would be a much
         Royal Mile, as well as from the    became a Poor Clare, dying of      better place for mass as it is in
         medieval Cowgate. It is an oasis   tuberculosis at the age of 25.     the centre of the city. It will
         of peace in an otherwise very      There is a great devotion to her   certainly make a difference to
         busy part of the city, and can     in the Scottish Catholic Church.    have clergy who are supportive,
         be easily accessed using public                                       rather than just tolerate us.
         transport making it far more       In the apse of the original
         convenient venue for those         church, there were a set of        The style of worship of the
         coming to Mass.                    nationally important murals        Oratorians is very much the
                                            produced by Alexander              style of the Ordinariate, which
           The church itself has a very     Runciman (1736-1785),              means that there will be no
         interesting history; built in      believed to be the only church     need to re-arrange of sanctuary
         the 1770s by the Scottish          work of Runciman to have           and altar that we had to do
         Episcopal Church - the very        survived. These murals had         elsewhere. The Ordinariate
         church that so many of the         been painted over during           Mass is sung in the very
         Edinburgh group were brought       the time of the presbyterian       spacious and beautiful Lady
         up in.  When the Episcopalians     congregation, but so far four      Chapel which, like the rest of
         sold the church to move into       have been restored and there       the church, has a very elegant
         the rather grander New Town        is hope for further restoration    marble communion rail -
         of Edinburgh, the Scottish         work to come.                      kneeling for communion being
         Relief Church, one of the early                                       another devotional feature we
         groups to break away from          We are delighted that this is      share with the Oratorians.
         the Established Presbyterian       now the permanent home for
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