Page 12 - Ordinariate Scotland Newsletter - Easter 2024
P. 12

News from The Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham in Scotland                       Page 12

          Holy Smoke Fr. Len Black

            NCENSE SERVES as              On the FEAST OF ST JOSEPH,
          I Ia reminder that we are     19 March 2024, Fr. Len celebrated his
          entering a mystery, a most    75th birthday.  Having reached the age
          amazing mystery, the          of retirement in the Catholic Church,
          sacred is everywhere!  It     he announced that he had submitted his          Fr. Abbot with Fr. Len
                                                                                                      . L
                                                                                          . Abbot with F
                                                                                              east of S
                                                                                                     t Joseph
                                                                                       on the F
          is no longer a question of    resignation as the Co-ordinating Pastor        on the Feast of St Joseph
          celebrating Mass, but of      for Scotland to Mgr Keith Newton, who accepted it.  This means that
          being fully part of it, being   Fr. Len will no longer represent Scotland within the central structure
          caught up in the mystery.     of the Ordinariate.  It also means that he is no longer be required to
          It is a feast for the eyes    travel to London for meetings of the Ordinariate priests.
          and the ears and the            He will continue to serve the Ordinariate in Inverness, Birnie and
          senses, a Divine theatre.     Edinburgh and, thanks to a kind offer from Fr. Simon, he will share
                                        celebrating the monthly Edinburgh Mass with him.  He has also
                                        indicated his wish to Mgr Keith to pass on the care of the Ordinariate
                                        website to others, something that will happen in due course.
                                          Fr. Len spent part of his birthday at Pluscarden Abbey where Fr. Abbot
                                        had invited priests to join the community for the Mass of St Joseph
                                        and for lunch.  Lunch was splendid.  Steak and Ale Pie with an excellent
                                        pastry crust prepared by Br Benedict Joseph from a Delia Smith recipe!

                                                                       And finally...

                                                                            RE YOU looking for a different
                                                                       A Away to celebrate Easter and
                                                                       Christmas?  Why not join Fr. Cameron
                                                                       Macdonald on one of the cruise ships
                                                                       where he acts as Ship Chaplain through
                                                                       Stella Maris, the official maritime
                                                                       charity of the Catholic Church.

                                                                         Fr. Cameron was all at sea over
                                                                       Christmas ‘enjoying’ the rough waters
                                                                       in the North Sea on a cruise to Norway.
                                                                       Hopefully his Easter cruise will be on
                                                                       calmer waters!

               The Personal Ordinariate in Scotland

               Inverness                 Whithorn                Edinburgh              Birnie by Elgin

              Oratory of St Joseph   St Martin and St Ninian’s   St Patrick’s Church          Birnie Kirk
                 49 Laurel Avenue     George St, Whithorn DG8 8QA    The Cowgate        3 miles south of Elgin IV30 8SU
                 Inverness IV3 5SF    every Tuesday at 10.30am     Edinburgh EH1 1TQ         Evening Prayer
              every Sunday at 11am     Stonehouse Mill DG8 8AN      Second Sunday        every Wednesday at 7pm
            Midweek - see  First Sunday at 11am  of each month at 12.30pm  Holy Mass: see

          Clergy:  Fr. Len Black -    Fr. Simon Beveridge -   Fr. Cameron Macdonald -
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