Page 7 - Ordinariate Scotland Newsletter - Easter 2024
P. 7

News from The Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham in Scotland                        Page 7

         Reception at Greyfriars Convent in Elgin

              HE FEAST OF                   and Fr. Len and Fr.
         T TCHRIST THE KING,                Cameron were joined
         Sunday 26th November 2023,  by Fr. Martin Birrell
         was a special day for Rob          OSB from Pluscarden
         Birnie who was received into       Abbey who had played a
         the Catholic Church through        part in Rob’s formation
         the Personal Ordinariate of        along with the Sisters
         Our Lady of Walsingham in          and Bryan Miller.
         Greyfriars Convent in Elgin        Rob is now part of
         by Fr. Len Black.                  the ecumenical  team
                                            involved at Birnie and
           The Mass was sung to the         we assure him of our
         setting Missa de Angelis by the    prayers as he beings this
         Dominican Sisters at Greyfriars  new journey in the faith.

         From Greyfriars to Pluscarden and back!

                HEN THE Sisters of Mercy                                Greyfriars Statue of Our Lady back to
         W Wsadly left Greyfriars Convent                               its original home.
         Elgin in 2010, they bequeathed
         to the monks of Pluscarden their                                 In 2017, once again the Statue was
         processional Statue of Our Lady.                               used in a May Procession with the
         Photographs taken in 1952 show how                             Catholic children of Elgin.  Sixty
         this Statue was used each year in the                          five years separate the two groups of
         month of May in procession with the                            photographs, but the Faith and the
         Catholic children of Elgin.  The Statue                        devotion are the same, thank God!
         then found a home in the Infirmary                             So the Dominican Sister asked for a
         at Pluscarden Abbey and was used                               Statue, but got two, and the Pluscarden
         each year at the annual Diocesan                               monks were very happy that they were
         Pilgrimage to the Abbey.                                       able to be a link in that chain!

           Then in early May 2017, one of the
         Nashville Dominican Sisters now at Greyfriars
         Convent looked to heaven and said,  Blessed
         Mother, please send me a beautiful, portable,
         free statue of you today which I can use with the
         children at St. Sylvester’s School when I go to say
         the Rosary with them.

           As by chance, that very afternoon one of the
                                                                                               May Procession 1952
         monks of Pluscarden unexpectedly arrived at the                                       M a y P r oc ession 1952
         Convent to ask if the Dominican Sisters would
         like to host the large Pilgrim Statue of Our Lady
         of Fatima, which was about to tour the country.
         Yes, they would, and will, was the answer!  In the
         course of that conversation, the Sisters explained
         their need for a smaller, portable Statue, and so
                                                                                                      ession 2017
                                                                                                 y P
         it was that Pluscarden Abbey officially gave the                                      May Procession 2017
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