Page 11 - Ordinariate Scotland Newsletter - Easter 2024
P. 11

News from The Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham in Scotland                       Page 11

         Celebrating Our Lady of Walsingham

              N SUNDAY                                                        had a surprise for Fr. Len Black.
         O O24th September                                                    Bryan had been in Rome the
         2023 the Ordinariate                                                 week before for an international
         Mission in the Highlands                                             meeting of Benedictine Oblates,
         celebrated the Feast of                                              part of which was a private
         Our Lady of Walsingham                                               audience in the Apostolic Palace
         with a ‘day out’ with                                                in the Vatican during which he
         Holy Mass offered                                                    was presented to Pope Francis.
                                                    e C
                                                         eption, Str
         in the Church of the              Immaculate Conception, Stratherrick
         Immaculate Conception at                                              Bryan is well known for
         Stratherrick, the beautiful                                          persuading people that something
         little remote church in                                              he wanted someone to do was
         the hills above Loch Ness,                                           actually something they had
         dedicated to Our Lady.                                               thought about themselves!  This
                                                                              time, however, he exceeded
           Mass began at 11am and                                             himself.  Having asked the Holy
                                                                              Father’s bless part of a stone for
                                                                              the foundation on the new guest
                                                                              wing at Pluscarden Abbey, he
                                                                              then asked Pope Francis to grant
                                                                              an Apostolic Blessing on Fr. Len
                                                                              on the Golden Jubilee of his
                                                                              Ordination as a Priest ... which he
                                                                              immediately agreed to give.  Fr.
                                                                              Len was amazed!

                                       was followed by a       The day ended for the 30 or so folk present with
                                       buffet lunch in the    a Procession of the Blessed Sacrament on a short
                                       small hall.  During    walk in the Highland countryside, followed by
                                       lunch Bryan Miller  Benediction.
         The tradition of the Crotalus

             HE CROTALUS is a wooden clacker                  during the elevations at
         T Ttraditionally used during the Holy Triduum        the Mass of the Lord’s
         on Holy Thursday to replace the bells rung at the    Supper.   Crotalus
         Elevation in the Mass.                               is said to originate
                                                              from the Greek word
           The earlier part of the Mass of Holy Thursday      krotalon meaning  rattle.
         is joyful.  When the Gloria is intoned by the
         celebrant, the organ sounds and the bells are rung    The Crotalus sends a spiritual message that
         - and suddenly they cease, remaining silent in a     the AGONY has begun and as we delve deeper
         sombre mood until the Gloria on Holy Saturday        into Christ’s sufferings as we accompany Him,
         when all the lights are turned on once again and     especially on Good Friday.
         the bells ring joyously in anticipation of the joy and
         triumph of Easter morning.                            This tradition is beginning to make a return,
                                                              having fallen out of general use in the 1960s.  As
           The distinctive sound of the wood-on-wood          always, the liturgy is teacher as we learn more
         clapping of the Crotalus is unsettling, especially   and grow in the Faith.
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