Page 10 - Ordinariate Scotland Newsletter - Easter 2024
P. 10

News from The Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham in Scotland                       Page 10

           Our Cantor, Mark McLean is with us
         at St. Patrick’s and we are delighted that
         Anthony O’Connor, the Organist at St.
         Patrick’s, has kindly agreed to play for us.
         We are most grateful to both of them for
         enriching the beauty of our Mass with
         their special talents.

         Fr. Gerard said that he sees the
         Ordinariate Group as fellow spiritual sons
         of St. John Henry Newman and hopes that
         we would feel at home with them, which
         we do indeed.

           We leave the final words on this new
         move to Archbishop Leo Cushley, “I am
         pleased with the welcome that Fr. Hatton
         wishes to give you. I think it is probably a
         partnership that will suit everyone.”

         The Ordinariate Mass in St. Patrick’s,
         Edinburgh, is on the second Sunday of the        The Altar party after the Ordinariate Mass on Laetare Sunday y
                                                           he Altar par
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         month at 12.30pm.                               (left to right) Dylan Corrin, Bryan Miller, Fr. Len and Clive Clapson
         Patrick and Jill in Auchtermuchty
             ATRICK AND JILL                                                         every blessing in their
        P PSmyth who moved                                                           new home, apologising
         to Inverness on the day                                                     that all he knew about
         before the first lockdown                                                   Auchtermuchty was that
         have now happily settled                                                    that’s where the great
         in their new home in                                                        accordion player Jimmy
         Auchtermuchty in Fife, 9                                                    Shand lived.  Wikipedia
         miles north of Glenrothes,                                                  revealed that, “Until 1975
         after an extended search                                                    Auchtermuchty was a
         for a new home.  They                                                       royal burgh, established
         wrote:                                                                      under charter of King
           “Our news is that we                                                      James V in 1517.  There
         are now in our house                                                        is evidence of human
         in Auchtermuchty.  It has          nearer our family; Suzie           habitation in the area dating
         taken a while but we are very      (daughter) helped out with the     back over 2,000 years, and
         happy to be settled.  We are       move and we have renewed a         the Romans are known to
         attending St. Joseph’s Chapel      few contacts with old friends.     have established a camp in the
         in Dundee served by the            Patrick has resumed his trips to   southeast corner of the town.”
         Marian Franciscans who             Edinburgh for rehearsals with a
         are a traditional Latin Mass       concert coming up soon.  Please      We wish Patrick and Jill every
         community and who also have a  send our regards to everyone.          blessing in their new home in
         strong online ministry.            Jill and Patrick”                  Auchtermuchty and assure
                                                                               them of our continuing prayers.
           “Of course we are much             Fr. Len replied wishing them
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