Page 5 - Ordinariate Scotland Newsletter - Easter 2024
P. 5

News from The Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham in Scotland                        Page 5
         An exciting opportunity for the Ordinariate

             IRNIE KIRK, is on the
        B Boutskirts of Elgin, and
         remains much as it was when
         it was built in the early 12th
         century.  It is particularly
         noted for its beautiful Norman
         chancel arch and traces of the
         original painted consecration
         crosses can still be seen in the
         chancel.  The site itself is very
                                                       irk b
                                                                            ears of unin
                                                          y E
                                                 Birnie K
                                                                                           ed Christian w
                                                             lgin ... almost 900 y
         much older and known to be              Birnie Kirk by Elgin ... almost 900 years of uninterrupted Christian worship
         a place of worship from Celtic     of Scotland sadly closed Birnie    Elgin Kirk Session, it was
         times and before that there is     Kirk saying that it was “making    decided that we would offer
         evidence of pre-Christian use.     the best use of resources” in      Evening Prayer according to
                                                   “increasingly challenging   Divine Worship Daily Office
                                                   times”.  There was          each Wednesday evening at
                                                   naturally, a great sense of   7pm.  This initiative of the
                                                   hurt and shock that such    Ordinariate is an ecumenical
                                                   a thing could happen,       venture bringing Christians of
                                                   felt by all Christians      different traditions together
                                                   throughout Scotland.        - Presbyterian, Episcopalian,
                                                                               Baptist and Catholic.  The
                                                    Following                  service is followed by coffee and
                                                   this devastating            cake provided by the Kirk ladies
                  Reciting the M agnific a t a t EP  announcement, the         and very quickly we have seen a
                  Reciting the Magnificat at EP
           Birnie Kirk is the oldest        Ordinariate in Scotland was        real community begin to form.
         continuously used church           asked if they might be
         in Scotland - older than the       able to help keep alive
         abbeys and cathedrals which        the unbroken 900 year
         now lie in ruins, and has been a   record of Christian
         place of worship for Catholics,    worship in the church.
         Episcopalians and the Church       We, of course, agreed,
         of Scotland over the centuries.    helped in our decision
                                            by a declaration signed
           The church was restored in       in 2022 between the
         the closing years of the 19th      Church of Scotland and
         century under the guidance of      the Catholic Church
         Rev Dr James Cooper who was        in Scotland known
         a leader of the Scoto-Catholic     as ‘The St. Margaret
         movement, a high church            Declaration’ in which,
                                                                               Jill Garrow reading a Lesson at EP
         movement within the Church         for the first time the two         Jill G arr o w r eading a L esson a t EP
         of Scotland.  He was also a        churches solemnly pledged to         With the agreement of the
         friend of many of the leading      work together in announcing        Minster and Kirk Session of
         lights of the Tractarians south    the good news of the gospel to     Elgin, the Ordinariate have also
         of the border and was known as  the people of Scotland.               been given permission to sing
         ‘the Newman of the Scots Kirk’                                        Mass in the church and our
                                              With the encouragement           first Mass will be offered on the
           Last November the Church         and agreement of the new           Tuesday of Holy Week at 12
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