Page 8 - Ordinariate Scotland Newsletter - Easter 2024
P. 8

News from The Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham in Scotland                        Page 8

         Ordinariate Day Out in Edinburgh

              N SUNDAY 8th October  building was put on the market
         O O2023, after the Ordinariate  it would go for a lot more but
         Mass in St. Columba’s, members  to their great credit these good
         and friends of the Ordinariate     people were adamant that the
         in Edinburgh enjoyed a buffet      building should remain as a
         lunch along with Barista           place of worship.  However
         Michael’s excellent coffee before  the United Reformed Church
         taking the short walk to visit     headquarters in London
         the Catholic Church of St.         reminded the Edinburgh Elders

                                                                                   St . M ar gar et ’ s and St . L eonar d ’ s
                                                                                   St. Margaret’s and St. Leonard’s
                                                                               could sell their church for.
                                                                               With a handshake the keys
                                                                               were handed over there and
                                                                               then, and at long last we had a
                             inside St. Margaret’s and St. Leonard’s
                             inside St . M ar gar et ’ s and St . L eonar d ’ s
                                                                               permanent home in the Capital.
         Margaret’s and St. Leonard’s,      that the Charity Commissioners
         the Society of St. Pius X church,  insist that U.R.C. property must     Work started to convert the
         where we met John Blyth who        be sold to the highest bidder      building into a Catholic church
         explained the history of the       regardless of what the property    and has continued over the
         church, originally a United        may end up being used for.         years.  The reason for our visit
         Reformed church which was                                             was to see the magnificent
         scheduled to be closed in 1992.      The Edinburgh Elders pointed  newly restored Pujin Sanctuary.
         On Trinity Sunday that year a      out to H.Q. that as the Charity
         delegation visited the church      Commission was an English            After our visit we returned to
         where they were made most          organisation with no authority     St. Columba’s where our after-
         welcome.  Almost instantly they  in Scotland they had no right        noon ended with Benediction
         decided that the church would      to tell them how much they         given by Fr. Simon Beveridge.
         be perfect for Catholic worship,
         after some alterations.

           The problem was one of
         finance.  The British District
         of the SSPX had recently
         purchased churches in England
         and the funds were down to
         £60,000.  When they informed
         the Elders of this they said that
         was all they were asking.  It was
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         mentioned to them that if the                  Fr. Simon gives Benediction of the Most Holy Sacrament t
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