Page 9 - July 2017 inLeague and Conference Program
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Sunday, July 16 Continued                                 important steps which will be covered. You will
        5:00 - 6:00 PM                                            learn the best practices to have in place BEFORE
                                                                  you start any major fundraising campaign. The
        tools & techniques segment 1                              presenters will share how one theatre successfully
        (Please note: These four sessions are offered only        maximized community support and the lessons they
        once.)                                                    learned in the recent planning and execution of
                                                                  the Rialto Theatre's $1.5 million capital campaign.
                                                                  Participants will learn best practices for each step
                    Adapting the TCL Chinese                      of the way, from creating a strong and engaged
                    (Grauman's) Theatre for                       board, creating an event to let the community
                    New Audiences and New                         know your 501c3 status, the importance of investing
                    Technologies                                  in fundraising infrastructure, including staff and
        (Orpheum A)                                               software, membership increase strategies, feasibility
                                                                  study 1-2-3’s, and capital campaign readiness and
        The TCL Chinese Theatre (Grauman’s) underwent             education execution.
        major projects in 2001 and 2014 that restored             Presenters: Julie Ragland, Development Director,
        historic character, increased earthquake safety,          Rialto Theatre, Tucson, AZ, and Deb Dale, CFRE,
        added digital laser IMAX projection, sound, and           Partner, Smith & Dale, LLC, Tucson, AZ
        screening. The presentation will illustrate the
        archival research that supported restoration
        work, and the alterations for updated audiovisual                    Managing and Marketing the
        systems.                                                             Modern Theatre
        Presenter: Peyton Hall, FAIA, Managing Principal,                    (Wiltern C)
        Historic Resources Group, LLC, Pasadena, CA                          Mid-twentieth century theaters and
                                                                  performing arts spaces were defined by successive
                                                                  waves of technological advancement and
                   The Fast Track - Evolving Your                 architectural experimentation. Many of these
                   Organization to Ever Higher Levels             theaters are now considered historic, as they
                   of Effectiveness                               have reached, or are about to reach, fifty years
                   (Orpheum B)                                    of age. Managing them can present a special
        How do you become a more effective and                    and daunting set of challenges, although these
                                                                  often highly idiosyncratic buildings can have an
        efficient organization when you have only one paid        intangible aesthetic value that increases their
        employee, a handful of part time volunteers and           marketability. This panel discussion offers an
        a (mostly) hands-off board? The Historic Ironwood         opportunity for conference attendees to hear
        Theatre evolved from this situation to an active          directly from managers and operators of Modern
        working board with a robust staff of volunteers in just   theaters and to learn about the issues that they
        six (6) months. This class offers a case study of one     face and the solutions they have reached.
        theatre's journey, complete with sample documents
        and templates which other small theatres can              Presenters: Meredith Arms Bzdak, PhD, Partner, Mills
        adopt for their own use.                                  + Schnoering Architects, LLC, Princeton, NJ; Peter
        Presenter: Bruce Greenhill, Managing Director,            Means, Senior Director of Development, Grady
                                                                  Gammage Memorial Auditorium, Arizona State
        Ironwood Theatre, Ironwood, MI                            University, Mesa, AZ; Miriam Morgan, VP of Arts
                                                                  Campus Administration and COO, Arts United of
                   Launching an Effective Capital                 Greater Fort Wayne, IN; and Adam Qualter, Crew
                   Campaign -- A Case Study                       Chief and Head of Props, Centre in the Square,
                   (Wiltern B)                                    Kitchener, ON
                   So many historic theatres need
        renovations and upgrades to maintain and
        improve aging structures, but staff is often unaware
        of how to go about raising the funds needed to
        accomplish this. This session will present strategies            2017 EDUCATION PROGRAMS
        for building your board of directors, engaging                                         Official
        them correctly, increasing your presence and
        identification as a nonprofit, tracking your                                           Conference
        impact in the community, investing in fundraising                                      Education
        infrastructure, tackling database challenges… all                                      Sponsor

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